Ronnie: Henry, It's no good you trying to be nice now. You were extremely rude and disrespectful in front of our dinner guest and you will pay the price. Now go to my room and wait for me.
DelFonte: So it looks like we're having a sweet intimate conversation, but the reality is you're just waiting to take me over your lap and spank me with my fan.
Annapurna: Marguerite, you’ve made the summer blossom into wonderful shades of lavender, pink, and red. Now that the rust colors of fall approach on a northwest wind, I want the memories we have shared this August to linger a while longer. Ride with me on the outbound train to Paris before the wheat stocks in the field are blanketed with frost. As the first snow falls in December, share with me the magic of Christmas and the beautiful ornaments hanging in the Champs-Élysées. There we will drink champagne and enjoy caviar until the warmth of spring arrives when the rose blooms again and the nightingale sings.
Rollin: "Let me get this straight, Phyllis. You're bored with Lord Farthingale's garden party and you want 'let loose and boogie' as you put it. You want to rip off your clothes and 'shake your booty' while cavorting in the fountain where I'm supposed to catch you, after which I'm supposed to spank you soundly in front of all the guests before we retire to the bedroom and I 'roger you royally'. Have I left anything out?"
Blondie: "You have been warned that I will not tolerate that kind of behavior from my wife. You are to behave like a lady and not frolic in the nude with the hired staff. Go to your room immediately and get ready for your punishment."
Measha: Oh will she ever stop this chit chat so we can get down to the spanking already!? I think I will have to use a gag tonight, a nice rosy bottom and a beautifully silent mouth.
Ricky: Now this time it's the truth . . .
Baxter: Dear husband, you completely embarrassed me in front of all our guests and your apologies are not working. You need to go to the bedroom now, strip naked, arrange all the implements on the bed and stand in the corner and await my arrival, whenever I see fit to arrive. And I will open all the windows so that our guests will hear me beating your naughty bottom and your cries of mercy and you will be just as embarrassed in front of our guests when I drag you back downstairs to the party after I summarily spank you hard. You won't be able to sit for days and trust me, you won't be getting any for a long time.
Sir Wendel: Pants down and across my lap for a spanking.
Autumn: "Darling, I realize this is Victorian England, but the excessive amount of fabric on your dress makes it near impossible to lift up and spank your bottom. Please consider your position over my lap when choosing dresses in the future."
Hermione: I have exciting news. Papa is giving us his entire cane collection as a wedding present. Isn't that wonderful?
I hope you're all hungry because brunch will be served in just a few hours from now.

Do have more posts like this one in which we are asked to fill in the caption. It was so much fun!
By the way, I just love the image!
Annapurna - Complete the Caption is a regular weekly feature on Hermione's Heart. It's published every Thursday.
You can find previous posts by clicking on the "Complete the Caption" label at the bottom of this post.
I know the assignment was late and you deduct 10 points for late papers. LOL
Dear I must disagree in the strongest manner. I think the Professor was having a torrid affair with Ginger unbeknownst to all of the other castaways
When we talked about you getting a job, pole dancing at “The Skin Club for Wayward Gentleman” on the all you can eat pork chop night was not exactly what I had in mind.
Let me get this straight: “I am Batman and you are Wonder Woman!”
Yes correct!
Will you have your Golden Lariat?
Let’s go for it! Last one to the Master Chambers is a rotten egg!
Whose house is this?
I don’t have a clue but its pretty here isn’t?
Sweetie I’m in a tuxedo and you are in a formal dress, its almost 98 degrees out here on the porch. Can we please go back inside?
Remember dear, air conditioning hasn’t been invented yet.
Crap…I forgot!
Vfrat25000 - Better late than never! I'm so glad you could make it.
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