Bogey wrote a very perceptive, tongue in cheek post about Tumblr blogs this week. Judging from the vast number of spanking blogs out there on Tumblr, people do seem to enjoy spanking pictures. There is quite a lot of variety in the kind of photos displayed; some are much more explicit than others.
What makes a spanking picture enjoyable for you? What do you like to see? What would you prefer not to see?
Leave your reply as a comment and when everyone has had a chance to speak, I will post a summary of our discussion.

I've recently noticed that something that really gets me going with spanking art is real tears. I have no idea why, but there is something about a showing of real contrition and genuine tears that gets to me.
I always enjoy photos that look "real", not contrived or posed. There is a very fine line between looking yummy and rediculous
I enjoy pictures that show the result of spanking, pink to red bottoms, with the spankee still OTK, bent over a bed or couch arm or over a pile of pillows, with the spanking implement either laying there or still in use. either sex is fine. If male over a female lap or some other position being spanked by female, I like to imagine me being in that position.
I also enjoy photos that show the results of a spanking. I prefer more intimate, less explicit pics.
I agree with Baxter. I like to see the spankee still in position with a red bottom. A bloody bottom turns me off.
To see a knickers down bare bottom female wearing suspender-belt and stockings which accent her naked derriere, being caned by a man.
I do enjoy a photo that shows some reaction on the spankee's part, whether it's facial expression, or a leg kick, or a body reaction, or some combination of those--worst photos are those of a spanking who's just lying there. And I hate overly explicit photos!
I like to see a well rounded, outhrusting, but not fat female bottom, well bent over, which is just pleading to me to spank it. The pose, such as a over a sofa arm should make the cheeks taut and spread. The lady should not be naked, but her bottom should be framed by upturned frilly skirts, lowered panties,stocking tops and suspenders, however in the 'Trad' section of Tumbir thre are some very tempting photos of of bottoms in skin tight skirts and jeans which are also a turn on.
I agree with Dr. Ken. I want to see the girl next door being spanked by a well dressed man. Or the boy next door being spanked by a well dressed woman. I like to see the eyes. Tears turn me off. Smiles are good. There is long list of things I don't care to see, so there are not many pictures that do it for me. I post those pictures that are passable on our blog. Strong preference for amateur as long as the house is tidy. I feel a rant coming on, so I best close.
Oh yes! The messy house in the background is such a horrid distraction! Happy Thanksgiving Hermione!
My preferences in photographs (and videos) tend to be fairly specific. I like to see a real (but not brutal) spanking involving a committed M/F couple with at least some suggestion of consent. I don't mind nudity, but I don't want to see anyone's gynecological examination. Finally, I tend to envision myself in the role of the spankee. If the scenario is one that would appeal to me as a participant, that's a winner.
It has to be real and not staged. Male spanker/female spankee. Not brutal. Why? I don't feel so alone. I wish I knew other spankos in real life. Not the kinky, fantasy people but people who live it
I'm now using a lot of those tumblr photos on my own blog to illustrate stories and the source I keep coming back to is Nu-West. Ed Lee had an eye for authenticity and even those old grainy black and white photos had that look about them that it was the real thing.
I prefer to see genuineness. Pictures that are all "porned up" with Dominatrixs all dressed up in leather and latex .......... it's just not real. I'd so much rather a Mistress Wife, dressed in her normal clothes (whatever normal is for her), punishing her submissive in a natural way.
I like to see the genuine regret by the submissive and I also love after care pictures
I agree with Dr. Ken, leg kicks and facial reactions that look in sync with the action (not staged) rock. A grimace where you see facial features tightening (clenched teeth,eyes closed tight, head jerked up, etc) is in sync with increasing pain levels, nothing worse than seeing pics where she looks to be perfectly content! I also find her grabbing his leg in a clingier manner or struggling to stay in position with him having to hold tighter- in sync for the same reasons-she is "feeling the effects"!
I like to see some "authenticity" in the spankings. Looks of pain or surprise on the spankee's face is good and tears, where appropriate, are also good. I like to see the results of the spanking on the spankee's bottom (well toasted, but not excessively so) and don't need to see genital or anal close-ups, especially with males. As I'm primarily F/m oriented with and emphasis on older women with younger men, I find very hairy buttocks on the spankee off-putting (especially on females ;-p)and I don't need to see a big dangling ballsack either. Domestic, school, "babysitter" and other such scenarios are preferred but I like them to look "real". Witnessed spankings are a plus.
I do not like
- dominatrices
- excessive force, bruises, welts
- M/M
- most M/F
I like
- no-nonsense women spanking naughty younger men and women
- over-the-knee
- hand or hairbrush or slipper or martinet
- F/F or F/M
- a kind of feeling that "this is for your own good", without hate or brutality
- also, historical settings
Possible additions include rectal temperatures or enemas, again in the "it's for your own good" attitude.
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