You read it right. That's not a typo. This year we are celebrating our ninth annual Love Our Lurkers day over a two-day period. The official dates are:
November 12-13, 2014
Because readers from all over the globe join in the big Love Our Lurkers celebration, a single LOL day ends for bloggers in Australia and New Zealand before it has begun for those of us in North America. I don't want anyone to think they have missed LOL day and feel they are too late to participate. It's never too late to welcome the silent readers of your blog, or to come out of the shadows if you are a lurker yourself. This year you will have even more time to do it.
For those of you who are new to blogland, Love Our Lurkers is a day when we each publish a post encouraging readers to leave comments on blogs that they usually don't comment on. Most of us have far more readers than commenters, and this gives our silent readers or lurkers a chance to speak.Our dear friend Bonnie came up with the idea of loving our lurkers, and headed up LOL day command central for eight years. Now I have taken over the responsibility and I only hope I can do half as good a job as she did.
In past years some people have written encouraging posts, others invite their readers to answer specific questions, and some even have contests involving spanking and the number of comments received. It's up to you to make your LOL Day post special in your own way.
Please advertise Love Our Lurkers Days on your blog, tell your friends, and make sure everyone knows about it. I'm counting on you all to spread the word. Let's make this year's LOL celebration the biggest and best one ever!

Wow, can't believe it's almost that time already.
Me again, will you be sending out icons for us to display?
Leigh - Time sure flies, huh?
Yes, I will be providing a variety of images for you. In the meantime you can copy (save) the one in this post and use it in an image gadget in your sidebar.
Thanks for the reminder and for making it happen.
hugs abby
Copied your post and I will be reposting it soon. Thanks for the heads up and for some ideas
Abby - It's my pleasure.
Blondie - Thank you for helping to spread the word.
Just one year ago, I was a lurker. I looked in on blogs here and there, terrified to step out. When I finally decided to come out of hiding it was amazing! I am thankful every single day that I came to blogland!
XOXO Pearl
I lurk a bit, but more likely I comment when I feel I have something to contribute. I enjoy commenting as it lets me verbalize in a digital way my thoughts on spanking. What is good is that the name I use is my dog's name so no one knows who I am.
As Pearl said above, it is fun to comment in blogland.
Oh, I'm so glad this is still happening. I thought it was getting to be about that time of year again and was wondering. Thanks Hermione :)
Hi, I've never been here Hermione, but thank you for the heads up on LOL day. I knew it was coming soon, just wasn't sure when...and WOW...what a fantastic idea to make it over a two-day period!
yay...I surely do love my lurkers..
Your statement about starting and ending the day is incorrect unless you are talking only about daylight. Midnight in Canberra, Australia is about 15 hours ahead of US Central time. So even in Pacific time, we are only 17 hours , ater, not more Tham 24. (Sorry, Hawaii, you are not mainland.)
Hi Hermoine, can't believe it's that time again! Always love LoL day. Thank you for organising and fantastic it will be over two days this year :)
I have enjoyed participating the last couple of years but unfortunately, I'm not sure I will be able to post this year. I will definitely visit everyone else though.
I hope LOL day goes well. Even if a lurker is not spanked or wants to spank they can still make comments on their thoughts on spanking.
Thank for keeping it going Hermione.
Pearl - I'm delighted that you came out and joined he rest of us!
Baxter - I think your identity is safe. That's a fairly common name for a dog, too.
Faerie - I'd never let this fine tradition die.
nilla - I'm glad you like the extension.
Jenny - I did mean the daylight hours, although there are some bloggers who like to visit at two a.m.
Roz - I hope you will join us in whatever way you can.
Arched one - All lurkers are encouraged to comment, regardless of their current spanking activity, or lack thereof.
Hermione-- Glad I saw this. The last few years I've always found out about LOL day AFTER it had already occurred, and therefore got my LOL posts up late. This meant that I missed a lot of lurkers who might otherwise have been nice enough to leave a message.
I've always thought that one day wasn't enough. Maybe we need a LOL week. I know I used to get comments from Lurkers days after LOL day ended. Some people read more blogs than they can get to in a day.
Wow Hermione...hard to believe it's that time again. Thanks for the reminder.
Hugs and Blessings...
Always love LOL day.
I could never get around to everyone in one day so 2 sounds like a good idea. Look forward to it.
Dr. Ken - It's great that you will be on time this year. Watch this space for reminders!
A week might be a good idea in the future. I'll think about it.
Cat - It's my pleasure. I hope you have fun this year.
Ronnie - One day was a rush for me too. I was usually de-lurking well into the next day.
Oh, it's that special holiday time of the year again, LOL Day!
Thanks for carrying on this grand tradition, Hermione. Season and I are looking forward to this fun day. We will put up a post linking to your announcement.
Forgot, love the logo and date, Hermione.
11/12/13/14 is priceless and a once ever occurrence. Brilliant!
Michael beat me to it--I was just going to say that I love the fact that the dates for LOL Day are 11-12-13-14.... :-)
I can't believe its that time of the year again, already! Thanks for doing this, I am excited!
Count me and the Disciplined Husbands Forum in!
Making it a two day event was a great idea. Thanks for taking the baton from Bonnie and keeping it going.
Hello, Hermione. A great site that I've hit many times and use for a jump site from your updated links. It was definitely time to let you know how much I appreciate it.
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