Simon: Simon had done his impersonation of a chicken once too often for her liking.
Six of the best: "Honey," said the bridegroom-to-be, "on our wedding night, your bare bottom will taste the pain of a cane."
Minelle: He says, "Spank me! Spank me! Harder!"
Leigh: Can't wait til we're alone.
Sweetpea: "Shake that behind for me!"
Arched one: This is only a taste of what you are going to get later.
Baxter: Her: Can't wait til we get to our wedding suite where I will spank your bare bottom. Spanking through your pants is no fun for either of us.
Him: I agree. I want to go OTK now.
Her: Good as you will spend a lot of time OTK, dear.
Him: I am glad I married you.
Dr. Ken: "Hey! I don't remember THAT being part of the Macarena!"
Ronnie: Go on - dare you to spank it.
Ricky: I'm sorry Honey, and I swear I'll never look at a bridesmaid again!
Hermione: Tabitha's favourite party game was "Swat the Fly" and she always had the men buzzing around her.
Well, that was fun! Do stay for brunch. We're discussing a topic that's near and dear to all our hearts. (Hint: it begins with "S".)

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