Here we are in the produce section.
Strawberries? Really? They must be the imported kind.
I'll take a pound of whatchamacallits.
No kidding!
Mounds bars have now been rebranded. Spunow sounds so much classier.
Do you suppose "Nickers" and "Sickers" are actually both Snickers?
I don't think so!
For more fruitful fun, Complete the Caption!

These are great. our education system has failed us miserably.
Oh my....These are more a giant fail...I am hoping they are more are reflection of people who don't care enough to do their jobs as they should, then a comment on their education...
hugs abby
Oh goodness, the mind boggles. These are great, thanks for sharing Hermoine, Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)
You have to love their attention to details.
Have a good weekend.
Spunow???? Oh gawd.
I guess those strawberries were frozen -- they turned blue.
These are great. I do enjoy your Friday fails posts. Thanks.
Hermione, You might need a spanking for misspelling strawberries. Which will I hope color you bare bottom more red than that delicious fruit.
Oh good gravy...excellent fails Hermione! It amazes me that not only did an employee make the mistake but evidently, their manager didn't catch it! Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings...Cat
What's the matter?
Isn't 'tomatoes' the plural of 'tomato'?
BTW, what are those things in the box?
Hi Hermione, these are all great fails, alhtough the peanut picture has something to it. Good to know for all who had doubts. :) Wishing you a great weekend.
OOps!!! What is happening in the food department around there??? LOL Hermione! :) Thanks for sharing. Many hugs,
<3 Katie
Baxter - You can say that again!
abby - Let's hope it is just carelessness.
Roz - Thanks, and the same to you!
Leigh - You do indeed.
Erica - Frozen? I never thought of that. Good one!
Ronnie - I'm so glad :)
Six - I certainly do! Thanks for pointing that out. I'm rubbish at typing.
Cat - The manager was probably on a break.
ricky - It is, but look carefully at the produce. And the blue things are blueberries.
Nina - I guess you can't be too careful.
Katie - A giant meltdown, from what I can see!
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