Baxter: Hey girl, I am starting to think this idea of leaving the orgy early and hitchhiking home wasn't quite the best idea as I am getting cold, but oh are my nipples hard. What does that mean? A ride is coming soon?
Hey yourself, take your bikini top off and lets get the first car that passes.
Katie: "Those spankings hurt, and I was seeing stars!!! I'm glad that we came outside to cool off. Perhaps (pointing to a bright star above) there is a place where only good girl spankings exist. Let's brush up on our astronomy!"
Simon: Having gone through the wardrobe to Narnia, Lucy and Susan decided to go back for some warmer clothes before exploring further.
Liza: Laura and Sandy are not convinced that global warming exists.
Mitch: Samantha, it's July, we're in the Southern Hemisphere, how can it be so cold down here? I've had it with you and your low budget vacations.
Sir Wendel: A spanking will warm the body - er – um - well at least the booty.
Ronnie: You sit down first and tell me if it does ease the sting.
Kingspan: A good time was had by all. Still, Fairbanks never really caught on as a spring break destination.
Anon: Girl on the left: So what do we do now? We came out here dressed like this because you said it was the best way to get our boyfriends to pay some attention to us instead of those damned football games. Well, it looks like they noticed because now they’re standing in the doorway staring at our barely covered bottoms ... and they’re holding hairbrushes in their hands … and I’m getting really, really cold.
Girl on the right: Look at it this way. We’re certainly going to have their undivided attention while we’re over their knees and they’re applying those hairbrushes to our bottoms. And all the wiggling and squirming we’ll be doing should certainly put them in the mood for even more attention afterward. Besides, I’m so cold now that I’m kind of looking forward to the warmth a good spanking will provide.
Six of the best: The two naughty ladies were singing, "Oh baby it's cold outside". But their boyfriends were thinking and singing, "But it will be hot hot hot inside, when you both will be spanked forthright".
Hermione: They never told us Canada would be so cold. Let's find someone to warm our bottoms.
Stay tuned for our weekly spanko brunch, coming up next.

1 comment:
"And after we get spanked, we can sit in the snow to cool off!"
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