You may recall that I shared some of naughty boy Andy's punishments from Rollin Hand's collection of short stories, Tales of a Switch. If you would like to refresh your memory, they're here and here. It seems that Andy wasn't the only one being spanked in that household. His wife Rachael also came in for her share of punishment, and it happened this way:
You’re now wondering if this was a one-way street and, of course, it wasn’t. But I’m not like Andy. I’m calm, organized, level-headed, and I don’t do crazy stunts. My flaw? I make a mistake and I’m down on myself. I beat myself up. For example, I pay the bills on time—every month. One thing I absolutely hate is late charges. A few weeks ago I missed one, I guess, because when the new bills came, there it was—a $39 late charge. I was upset and I fumed about it. “How could I do this?” I yelled at Andy. “I cost us $39 for nothing.” Andy, of course, told me to calm down, that it wasn’t that bad, anyone can make a mistake. But I just went on ranting and railing. He said, “You’re going to upset the kids, let it go.”That was a turn of events I hadn't anticipated. it seems that Andy is in charge after all, at least some of the time.
But I couldn’t, and for a weekend I made everyone miserable. Monday morning, the kids got off to school on the bus and Andy said, “I think we need to have a talk.” I said, “What?” He stood, gripped my arm and said, “Rachael, you will accompany me to the rec room.” And I was thinking ‘why can’t we talk here?’
But by now he’d escorted me down there. He turned to face me and said, “Rachael, obviously this thing with the late charge has got you upset and you feel very bad about it. So bad in fact that you are taking your frustration out on everyone in sight. Well, I wouldn’t be a very good husband if I didn’t do something to help you get over the fact you made a mistake.” Now all this time I couldn’t help but notice that Andy was rolling up his right sleeve and this little light of understanding was beginning to flicker in the dim recesses of my brain. “So” he continued, “I am going to relieve you of your feelings of crushing guilt for having made a $39 mistake.”
He pulled a chair away from the wall, sat on it and pulled me right over his lap. I had on a light housecoat and he pulled that up over my hips.
Underneath I wore panties and a tank top. Before I could process this Andy’s fingers were in the waist band and I was naked from the waist down. I sputtered, “Andy! What are you doing?” And he said calmly, “Well, dear, you feel so bad about your accounting mistake—you must take better care of the finances—that I thought I’d punish you for it, then we could all forget about it and life would be grand again. It was what? $39?” I said, “yes,” and he said “Ok then, 39 good smacks. Here we go.”
Andy spanked me hard and said “One. 38 to go.” And then he started to spank, first one cheek, then the other. The spanks sizzled, I have to admit, and I was yelping and squirming. But no matter what I did, Andy just held me over his lap and steadily spanked away while calmly counting, “21…smack! 22….smack! 23…smack!” Meanwhile I was wriggling and yelping because it stung. I marveled that Andy was so strong that he could hold me over his knee, grip my hands to keep them out of the way and just keep spanking.
And it was then I realized that when I had been spanking Andy, he could have overpowered me at any time and stopped the whole thing—but he hadn’t because he loved me and had allowed me to chastise him for his faults. I came to the realization that he was spanking me now because he loved me and had figured out that this was what I needed. I had been making everyone miserable. It wasn’t the damn $39; it was my attitude and my inability to let it go.
So it was about at spank number 30 that I quit squirming and started lifting my bottom to meet Andy’s descending palm. I just gritted my teeth and told myself how much I had deserved this. Andy continued until the count reached 39. My bottom was burning hot. My butt cheeks probably looked like two red stoplights. He was rubbing them, kneading them. It felt delicious.
Even so, when Andy said, “Now, do you think you have paid fairly for your mistake?” I was silent for a minute then I said, “No. You should add 10 more for interest.” Andy sighed and said “As you wish, dear.” He laid on 10 more scorchers that really had me gasping.
I’ll also have to say that as a result of Andy’s dominance, my nudity, my squirming across his thighs and the heat in my bottom, some heat was being generated elsewhere. When Andy let me up, I threw off my housecoat, panties and top and dragged him to the couch. If he was late getting to work, he could make up an excuse. It was one fib I was going to let slide.

Enjoyed the story. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for featuring my story, Hermione. Hope your readers like it.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story Rollin and Hermoine. Enjoyed reading this, great to read Rachael's perspective from the other side :)
I really do enjoy Rollin's stories. Thanks for sharing.
that was a good story, quite arousing. thank you Hermione.
Leigh - I'm glad you liked it.
Rollin - I know my readers always enjoy your stories as much as I do.
Roz - It was a bit of a surprise to me, but I think it worked.
Ronnie - Rollin is a very sensitive writer.
Baxter - I thought so too.
Thanks for sharing another one of Rollin's great stories, Hermione!
Hugs and blessings...Cat
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