We all know about the office thief who steals food from the common refrigerator. It makes me so glad I work from home now. For those of you who are still at risk from this unscrupulous kind of person, here's a hilarious exchange between a thief and the victim, with an intervention from a higher power.
I think a good spanking might be a fair alternative.
LoL Hermione, these two obviously aren't busy enough. I agree, a good spanking may be in order lol. The joys of the communal work kitchen! Hope you have a great weekend :)
Hilarious Hermione.Every office has one of these people.
Roz - It must have been a slow day at work.
Glenmore - I agree, and sometimes more than one.
I don't know. As spankoes we are always quick to jump to that 'spanking option', but as an ex-HR Manager, my gut feeling is that "Francis" is the type of person whose bare ass is the LAST thing you'd want to see or get close to......for ANY reason!!
like it http://www.spankingfreunde.de
Hilarious Hermione. Thank you. I had to buy a small fridge for our office because someone kept stealing our milk and yoghurt from the communal fridge.
Loved reading this, Hermione!! Hilarious! Thank you for the good laugh. :) There is always one it seems! Many hugs,
<3 Katie
The things people do to keep the workplace entertaining! :-D
Next time put some chocolate [exlax] cookies with the sandwich and see who takes off running an hour later.
So much fun! Almost like a teachers lounge fridge!
I love it! Very funny. Thank you!
Oh yes...have had some real jerks at different locations I've worked at. That is one of the perks of working from home...don't have to worry about someone stealing my lunch or my snack from the refrigerator or the freezer. I agree...Francis needs at least one good barn burner. Thanks for the giggle. :)
Hugs and blessings...Cat
I have worked in offices in which most of the people I worked with should have been spanked, for various offenses, including stealing lunches, dropping F bombs, and other fine activities of offices. I lost a lunch once because I did not put my name on it. Well shit, it was my first frigging day and no one said a darn thing. So I did not get mad, I got even and threw someone else's lunch out. There. And yes, I deserve a spanking for that.
Oh I remember my lunch going missing from the communal fridge. This made me laugh Hermione. Definitely a spanking is in order.
Have a good weekend.
Hugs Lindy xx
I once saw a package of cream cheese covered in white paper and marked "POISON" to deter potential thieves.
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