Sir Wendel: Occasionally the misses will act up in the hopes of getting a spanking. The one that got her the butt turned the reddest was when she pretended she was drinking a big cup of hot coffee then spilled it on my lap. I was relieved to discover it was cold milk. She only gave me an “Opps” comment. I marched her to a kitchen chair, put her bare bottom over my lap and proceeded to give her a heck of a paddling. She couldn’t sit for over a day.
Roz: Hi Hermione, thank you for the tip. I will confess to intentional moments of naughtiness or brattiness on occasion when we had a dd dynamic. The results were mixed. Sometimes no response, sometimes a talking to and other times, a spanking.
Dr. Ken: When I did have a partner, she "earned" her spankings more from a sense of playfulness than real bratty behavior. If any lady now wants to brat me in order to get a spanking, I'm okay with it--as long as she knows when to stop!
Yorkie: Nothing of the sort required in our situation. Just an increasingly matter of fact discussion these days about when we play and then we do it. We were going to play tonight but both of us are really tired and she is not feeling well. Sigh. Maybe next week...
Bonnie: It's a question of nomenclature I think. Is it bratting when I stroll through the living room wearing a t-shirt and a pair of form fitting pale pink yoga pants while he's watching sports on TV? Or when I accidentally leave a leather paddle on his nightstand? If those constitute bratting, then I'm guilty and the penalty is, of course, a good bottom warming. He saves his best (hardest) spankings for those occasions when I ask, either verbally of non-verbally. As a result, I've learned to "Be careful what I ask for..." But I still ask sometimes.
Anon: My SO gets mouthy knowing that will work, as well as interfering in things that are not her business. That resulted in a very hard otk session Saturday. This morning, she surprised me by showing what she brought, a paddle inscribed "I think I deserve a spanking", so again today, she went otk. She just left an hour ago, still with a very colorful, marked bottom. No doubt, she will be bratty again, and each time receive a harsher reminder than the prior time.
Amy: I've tried to brat-it-up to get spanked and Eric purposely ignores it or goes in the opposite of what I'm looking for. Then, the next time it's a legit spanking, he'll add a few extra strokes for the prior behavior. His goal is to get me to "just say when you need a spanking" but sometimes the point is being "taken in hand".
Hermione: For me, bratting is the surest way not to get a spanking. Spankings are rewards for good behaviour.
Ronnie: Hermione, thanks for the tip. Seem to be getting quite a bit of spam lately.
I definitely can, and have been naughty and a bit of a brat and it nearly always ends up with me having a warm bottom.
And there you have it. So until next weekend, good night and good news.

The strawberry pie looks good.
Hermoine, I believe you have the perfect situation.
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