I finally got around to writing a story that I heard and that has interested me for over 10 years, and I would love your opinion/reactions. I have recreated that story and added a bit for clarity. While I cannot guarantee whether the story is absolutely true or some made-up fantasy by the original author, I believe it is a true story.
Why? Because I know the female lead in this story! Yeah! How about that!
"Know" as in we correspondeded via email years ago in setting up a meeting for when I next came to New York City, and we spoke on the phone once or twice. That was the limit of our contact. The logistics never worked out so I never actually got to meet with her (dammit). Her name is Molly, she definitely lived in New York City, and would - without hesitation - agree to do this. That is my only reason for believing this story is true. That, and I want it to be true.
The story, one of those "what ever happened to (Name)?" stories, appealed to me at first reading because it sounded like fun, but intrigued the heck out of me more for what the author didn't say than for what he did. And for that, I appeal to you, dear reader. But first some admin.
My re-creation of this story is from memory, so it is what it is. I want the opinion of Hermione's female readers, but guys - feel free to join in. Wise-ass comments are always fun, too!
There are three women in this story, but before I repeat it, for the female readers, I want you to think of two people you know, both female between the ages of 25 and your age, not married, and not with someone in a relationship that has progressed to the point of becoming serious. This could be a neighbor, a co-worker, a relative, preferably someone you consider a friend, someone with whom you could easily see yourself having a "girls' night out".
Does she know you are a fan and reader of Hermione's blog or others like it? No.
Do you know each other's sex lives?? Probably not. (But women talk. A lot! About things guys do not talk about to other guys, so I'm on thin ice here.)
Guys, if you participate same rules for you, too. Two female acquaintances whose behind-closed-doors-life you do not know, but can only guess.
Got it? Three people: you are one of the three, plus two of your friends. Need time to think about which friends? Fine. I'll wait.
(Jeopardy theme plays...)
Got them? Good! Let's call one "Susie", the other "Mary", and begin.
David is a nice guy. Period. Everyone who has ever met him likes him. He is successful career- and financially-wise, good-looking, and smart. And a real character. David is the life of any party. He is not obnoxious but if he comes to a party he is going to do his damned best to make sure it is a great one. When David comes into a room, it lights up. People are always glad to see him because he is fun and unpredictable; willing to take any dare. The phrase, "Hold my beer...now watch this", was invented specifically for David. Everyone has a fun "David" story.OK, let's pause here. It's reader participation time.
Got him in mind? It's after work and David has an appointment later that evening, so rather than going home and then coming back, David hits a favorite bar to kill some time. He steps inside, he hears his name called out and sees "you" and the two other women you have picked, having a girls' night out, and calling him to join them. He does, and starts picking up the tab because - he's David! That's what he does.
And they are all having fun. But now it comes to the point where the girls have planned to hit another nightclub and, "David! Why don't you come with us?"
David begs off saying he has that appointment.
The girls: "Oh, c'mon. Can't you get out if it? Three hot girls? Who have had too much to drink? You're going to turn that down? How often does that happen? Please...."
David: "I don't know. Let me make a call and find out."
David goes off to make a call. He soon returns and says, "OK. I can do it, but only if we stop on the way for a couple of minutes. It will be quick, interesting, and I'll pick up the cab fare - and you can get the first round at the next club." (David lied. He would never let them pick up the tab.)
It's a deal and off they go!
They come to an apartment building, get in the elevator to the 20th floor, and knock on one of the apartment doors. Molly answers and invites them all in. Molly is tall, about 5'10, attractive with brown curly hair, slender, and pleasant. She is dressed like anyone else at home on a work week night, something similar to what you would wear at your home. And her apartment - well, it looks like your place. Just a normal apartment in the big city.
Molly has all the women sit and, with David standing nearby, then says, "I've known David for a while and he tells me he is going to escort you on your night out. But David sometimes needs to be reminded to behave himself. And, since you have places to go and things to do, I need to get started.
With that Molly points to David, says, "Drop 'em!", all the while moving a formerly unnoticed armless straight-backed chair into position, and sits. By the time she is seated David's slacks (not jeans) have hit his ankles, Molly says, "Get over" and David goes OTK. Immediately she grabs his boxers and says "Lift". David lifts himself above her lap about an inch, and in one "Swoosh!" - David's shorts join his slacks. He is over her knee with bare bottom up.
This is happening fast! From the time Molly said, "I've known David for a while..." to this point, only about 15-20 seconds have elapsed!
Molly, with her eyes focused on "the target", immediately raises her right arm up high into the air....
You know by now what is about to happen, as do Susie and Mary. David has surprised them all by bringing them to watch him getting a spanking. Oh, sweet Baby Jeebus, rapture me up. Surprised as all heck, everyone's eyes must be the size of golf balls. And David must know it, too, and be quietly laughing to himself at the thought of surprising the heck out of them like this.
So, some questions:
1. What is going through your mind when you realize what is about to happen?
2. More important, what is Susie thinking? What is Mary thinking?
3. Are any of the three of you thinking "Get me out of here!!!!"?
4. Or are you all thinking, "You go girl!", or a combination of 3&4?
5. Guys - have at it.
The reason I initially asked that all the women not be married or not in a relationship at this moment is because it possibly could put them into a position where there might be repercussions. "You were in a room with a guy with his pants off...? Getting spanked?" A husband/significant other may not appreciate that.
So, let's get your thoughts/answers, and then I'll continue with part 2 of the story.
Thank you, A.J., for that stimulating beginning. Readers, it's over to you.

As the third girl I start to think that Mollie is an ex girlfriend of David's and that he wants to show the three of us his kink. Maybe Mollie keeps him disciplined for fun.Maybe she is his boss at work and he went a bit too far one day and she spanked him for it. Now David seems to be able to call round at Mollie's whenever he wants. I haven't seen a guy spanked before although I have given the occasional butt cheek a slap during sex. It is really quite appealing as I watch David get his smacks. I hope I get invited to join in.
This may be considered cheating a bit but having once been in a somewhat similar situation many, many years ago I know what the two may be thinking. At first shock and awe but then getting turned on to a new experience and participation
This is interesting and I'm looking forward to see where it goes.
Hmm, the fun answers would be that instead of going out we all stay and indulge in spanky fun. The more realistic answer is that we are all thinking OMG, get me out of here lol.
Thank you Hermione and AJ :)
I am thinking, "Oh boy, a spanking. I can't believe it!" and I am both aroused and anxious that my friends will notice.
The two friends that I chose first were two gals I used to work with. Both are outgoing and gregarious, and possibly a bit kinky themselves. There was always kinky talk in our office. They would have laughed and enjoyed the situation. But they are both married so I can't pick them.
My second two choices for friends on my night out are two ladies close to my age, both unattached romantically. They both work in health care, specifically mental health, and they've probably seen or at least heard it all. So they would be accepting of the situation. "Mary" might be a bit more accepting than "Susie".
At least part of me is a little dismayed, as I was not informed ahead of time of David's plan and did not have an option to choose not to participate, even though I would only be expected to observe. It is similar to being taken to a porn movie without being told ahead of time that is where I was going, and therefore, not having a chance to opt out.
Since I am a visitor to this blog, obviously, there is some interest in adult spanking, so I am not totally shocked or turned off.
I think the shock caused by the unexpected activity is the lasting impression, at least for me. The arousal, if any, would probably be short lived. I would feel compelled to “have a talk” later with David to ensure he understands that, in the future, I should be informed of the planned activities and given a chance to opt out, or he should plan not to include me at all.
Just my two cents.
Thinking - David getting spanked had no idea he was into it. I was quite excited. I know Debs would be shocked but I could she was fascinated, Jan very shocked and would want to leave but wouldn't get up and go on her own as she wouldn't want us thinking she was a prude.
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