Amy: "Kiss my ass!"
KDPierre: Sonny the Sunfish always regretted not having been born a piranha, but seeing Hilda's ample posterior jiggling through the pond was just the encouragement he needed to finally decide to live life on his own terms. So "bravo, Sonny" for having the courage to latch onto your dreams and never let go!
Simon: Little did Hilda know that her bottom was the perfect bait for the very rare Bottom Biting Bass.
Hands63: That's what you call "trolling" for fish.
Ronnie: If you do that one for time, I'll be having you for my dinner.
Sir Wendel: That’s not what I meant by “Bottom Fishing”
Hermione: Hilda couldn't run fast enough in the water to escape the dreaded Paddlefish.
Ha! Thanks to all of you. I loved each one!

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