Dan: Well, this one came as a surprise. First was a "guestbook" of sorts that I keep on the blog. That probably makes some sense since it is more an ongoing feature than a post. The top real post is on "Caning Tips & Methods" which is ironic because we don't actually use the cane. I kind of want to because it is so iconic, but when we have tried it just hasn't worked well for us. Hence, in that post I asked for people's advice on how a cane should be used.
Roz: This is a great question, it's always interesting looking at blogger stats. In April 2013 Ami Starsong and I both published companion posts on tolerance levels to spanking from our own experiences. That has remained my top post since.
KDPierre: According to Blogger it's this one: "Spanking by Committee"
Ironically, I personally would not rate my top posts by popularity as my top posts by quality. But looking at their catchy titles, I understand why certain posts get the attention they do. It is my firm belief that an enticing title that tickles someone's prurient curiosity will outperform the most eloquent post. I actually prefer to measure a post's success by the quality of the comments it gets. Sheer numbers are a popularity contest based on flash over substance...pretty much like anything in our internet culture. Certain key words are like bait! LOL
Knowing this, it is sometimes fun to title a post with something that will lure in a reader, even if it is a bit misleading in content.
abby: First of all thanks...I never knew how to check my stats and now I do! Leatherlicious Friday was my all time high.
Katie: Hi Hermione!:) This is a great way to gather everyone's top read posts! For me, it used to be a post called "It's Only Coffee. Or is it?" Now, "The Unwanted Spanking?" has almost a thousand more views than that one. It explores the nuances of a specific discipline spanking, and then some.
Hands63: I'm not a blogger but I have to agree with what kdpierre mentioned. The "enticing" titles always grab my attention first.
Leigh: Hi Hermione - I had seen this somewhere and looked it up but never did anything about it, pretty much standard for me lately. Anyway, I did remember the title and used the search button. It's Saddle Sore.
Ronnie: Mine is Spanked to Orgasm (I re-posted it on Friday) which surprised me as I thought it would have been one of my 'In with the New' posts.
Amy: Hello Hermione! I'm so touched that you posted my idea on your Sunday Brunch. I look forward to playing along every week. :) My most viewed is "Spankings Wait for No One".
Hermione: My most-viewed post is a story called Juliette Takes the Strap. In fact, the three most-viewed posts are all from the Top Shelf series.
Thank you all for sharing your most popular posts. I enjoyed reading each one.

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