Earlier this week I visited the Black Friday sale at Cane-iac, my favourite site for spanking implements, and discovered the bracelets that you see above. They prompted this week's question.
Would you wear a bracelet (or similar item) that openly proclaimed your interest in spanking? What would you say if someone inquired about the inscribed message? Would you explain candidly or would you give another explanation?
You know the drill. Leave your response as a comment below, and once everyone has had a chance to speak I will publish a summary of our conversation.

I'm on the side of don't invite questions you don't want or need to answer. However one of favorite t-shirts is from the Stockroom that has huge handcuffs on them and I have been known to run to the local super market with it on.
I kind of do. I wear a pendent that, within the BDSM community, designates a male sub. I consider myself to be a "disciplined husband," not a true submissive, but they don't seem to make jewelry that corresponds to my particular fetish.
Mine is on the small side, and it's not particularly likely anyone would get close enough to see the symbol. And, of course, unless they happened to be in the BDSM lifestyle themselves, it's very unlikely they would recognize the symbol for what it is.
Hi Hermione, I love a bracelet! My hubby bought me one that spelt out "spank me" in morse code. It was done in red and grey beads and I loved it. I have a necklace with a spank me charm on it in writing and I wear that openly so I suppose I wouldn't hide it!
love Jan, xx
i probably wouldn't wear something that was obvious. however if it was coded like Jan's, or if it was something that only meant something significant to BIKSS and I , then yes. definitely.
I have thought about getting one of thise leather bracelets they used to have with "OTK" on it but have no idea how I would answer the questions.
Eric and I saw something like this in a leather shop and have heard there are spanking parties where you wear things like this to signify your preference. I like Jan's jewelry. I wouldn't openly talk about it but if someone asked, I'd probably be pretty straight forward.
If I was into wearing things on my wrist ( I do not wear a watch) I might wear the 'bottoms up'. It has dual meaning including drinking beer. There is a sports bar nearby that is named Bottoms Up. Of course when I see the place, I think spanking.
Cane-iac is a favourite of mine for spanking implements. I wouldn't wear anything that was obvious but I love the sound of Jan's bracelet, I would wear something like that.
Like Jan and others, I would probably wear an accessory that was coded in some fashion. I recall meeting a woman at work who was wearing a necklace with a small gold charm in the shape of a riding crop. Equestrian or spanko? I didn't ask.
I have a necklace that says "I need a spanking" in morse code.
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