Sir Wendel: We went to Disney World this summer and bought a pair of the stuffed Mickey Mouse gloves. It is fun to spank her bottom with them but there is no sting and they do not cause the slightest bit of pain. Now the Mickey spatula is a different story but I’ll save that for another brunch.
We also use swimming pool noodles on each other. Again, a lot of fun but no pain or sting.
Roz: Great question Hermione, on occasion while fetching scarves etc for either blindfolds or to tie hands Rick has first attempted to spank me with them using a good flicking motion.
Katie: Hi Hermione, :) I can't think of specific things that Rob has used for this kind of spanking. There have been a few of these kinds of items, over the years, when we are being playful. We have a leather paddle with a soft fuzzy side. That doesn't hurt at all, and is fun. He's popped me a time or two, on the bottom with a decorative pillow. I love real spankings (most of them), but playful, soft ones are lots of fun, too.
Amy: One time Eric had enough of my moodiness when we were visiting relatives so when they went out to the grocery store, he told me to take off my belt because he wasn't wearing one. I had on some new pants that came with this cheap plastic "decorative" belt. Well, Eric swung that thing as hard as he could because no matter what, it did NOTHING. By the fourth swing, we were both laughing so hard, the mood changed and we had a wonderful visit.
Hermione: Ron once opened a bag of bread that had been around for a while and found green mold on a slice. He proceeded to spank me with the slice, to teach me to be more careful with expiration dates. Needless to say, it was fun and we both laughed heartily.
Thanks you for sharing those fun stories! Stay tuned for an update on this year's Love our Lurkers days!

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