If you are a silent reader who has never dared to leave a comment, now is your chance. We know you're out there, so don't be shy! You are among friends here. You may remain anonymous if you wish, or use a pen name. What should you say? That's entirely up to you. "Hello" is fine. Or tell me what country you live in. I know I have readers in most of the countries in the world.
Scroll down to see the list of blogs participating in this year's Love Our Lurkers festivities. These bloggers all want to hear from you, so please pay them a visit. Some bloggers are putting a second LOL post and some bloggers are joining in on the second day, so scroll waaay down to see what's new on Saturday.
If you're a blogger and want to jump in and take part, please leave a comment below so I can link your blog too. It's never too late to join us.

I am participating and hope it is not too late to join your list.
Thank you,
Happy LOL Days, Hermione! My first LOL days post is up. Here's the link to my blo https://gigglesgrinsandreflections.blogspot.com/ Thanks so much for kicking off LOL Days again this year and keeping track of all us troublemakers. ;)
Hugs and blessings...Cat
Hi Hermione, I'm in! Thank you so much for organising these fun days every year.
love Jan, xx
Hi Hermione, Happy LoL Days! Thank you for organising this wonderful event again and for everything you do for our wonderful community. Always enjoy visiting :)
Hermione, I am so very happy that you have carried on with LOL from Bonnie. Thank you and a very big thank you for all you do and the help you give us. You are a big part of this community.
Happy LOL days.
Happy LOL days Hermione. My first post is up at https://donwunderdreaming.blogspot.com.au/. Thank you for organising these two special days. Hope you meet lots of new friends.
Hugs Lindy xx
It's great that you're hosting LOL over two days and as ronnie says, thanks for taking over from Bonnie! I remember my first LOL day when she hosted, and am glad that the tradition is still very much alive. I don't comment as much as when i first started blogging, but lurking I still do. So this is me saying I'm taking part this year too after a long hiatus and I'm glad to be back!
Thank you for organising this event again, Hermione. I hope you get lots of visitors.
Rosie xx
Hi Hermione,
I'm glad you take late comers, cuz I iz one!
Thank you - and have a terrific LOL day. :-)
A Happy LOL-Day to you, Hermione, and thank you very much for hosting the event again this year! I am curious to find out how many people will say hello this year and how many will participate in the little creative collaboration which I have planned for tomorrow.
Always a big thank you for hosting. I do love LOL day.
THANK YOU. (that's a BIG thank you!)
Happy LOL day and thank you for hosting. Love your blog! xoxo
You can add me. Thanks for organizing:
Thanks for organizing this yearly event. You deserve to be spanked for such good behavior.
bottoms up
We are here Hermione!! Thank you for hosting again. :)
Eric and Amy
THANK YOU for your blog.
I check in every day.
Thank-you for throwing the party together Hermione!
kitten and I are participating!
A lurker checking in. I enjoy knowing that there really are women out there who enjoy the application of a man's hand to their exposed posteriors!
- MyTopFantasy
Thank you for doing this. Love you and your blog! And yes, I am also participating in LoL day(s)
Hey Herminone I am participating please add me, thank you! ☺️
Hello from Peaches Heart on LOL Days
Hello Hermione! Greetings from The Canery here in sunny England! I'm a bit late to the party, but wanted to say thank you for organising all the fun once again. Keep up the good work, Rod x
Love to lurk here, thanks for the great blog!
Hello Hermione,
our second LOL-Day post is up. I hope some readers like to participate in a bit of creative collaborative fun! Wishing you a great Saturday.
Warm greetings from cold Germany,
“Lurking” always sounds a wee bit furtive (the word “wee” sits very nicely before so many nouns here in cold sunny Scotland - “ a wee man / a wee cup of tea/ a wee walk with your wee dog/ a wee seat etc etc). But I don’t mind feeling furtive (smile) ,so I will lurk to my hearts content.
Thanks for hosting this blogland party! Have a great LOL day!
Happy LOL days, Hermione! And I have my LOL posts up on Spanking Minnesota as well!
I'm a lurker here often, leave a comment sometimes, and a fan of Hermione's Heart always...
Dr. Ken
Thank you for your blog and the stories you post. I check in at least every other day.
Happy LOL Days, Hermione! :) Thank you for all that you do for us around Blogland! You kindness is more than appreciated! Many hugs,
<3 Katie xxx
Wow Hermione! You are on it!! Come by and play Truth or Dare with us if you have time. Thanks again for hosting. :)
Happy LOL day Hermonie. I don’t post too often but I always follow your blog.
Thanks for updating!! You're awesome for hosting. I've gone and checked out some of these blogs which are new to me too!
Hi Hermione,
Happy LOL day from down under. I love your blog...especially Friday failures
Hi Hermione -
First of all, thank you for organizing and hosting this event and for ALL you do throughout the year!
Secondly, I am a bit late posting my official LOL post, but it is up now.
Thanks for hosting LOL days and making it easy for us to catch up with our favorite bloggers. Also, thanks for your blog and all the work you put into it!!
Hi Hermione.
Better late than never. :)
Hi Hermione. Love your blog. Thanks for entertaining us. :)
Hi Hermione,
My favourite spanking blog, sending from South Africa. Are there sandwiches ? And beer ?
Meredith - Welcome to the party!
Cat - Happy LOL Days to you too!
Jan - I think they're fun too!
Roz - It's my pelasure, and thank you for your faithful visits.
Ronnie - Thank you so much for your vital contribution to our LOL Days.
Lindy - You're on the list.
Fondles - It's a lovely tradition, and I'm glad you're back to share it with us.
Rosie - I hope so too!
Jz - It's never too late:)
Kaelah - I'll bet you get lots of people to join in your challenge.
PK - So do I.
Dave - You are very welcome.
OldFashionGirl - Thank you for the kind words.
Dan - You're in!
Red - I think so too ;D
Anon 1 - And thank YOU for commenting.
Bleue D'ame - It's always a labour of love.
DaddyCat - I see that you have had a lot of new visitors already. I hope the trend continues.
MyTopFantasy - There are a great many of us about.
Blondie - Thank you *blush*. You're in!
Daisy - I;m so glad you are joining in the fun.
Peaches - Hello!
Rod - Sunny? I'm envious. we are having snow here.
Alofa - welcome, and thanks for leaving a comment.
Stephen - You have given me a wee bit of joy with your wee comment. I'd love to offer you a wee dram but we had a wee party last night and it's all gone.
Baker - I did have a great two days!
Dr. Ken - What a sweet thing to say.
Anon 2 - I'm pleased to know that you like the stories. There are more coming.
Katie - I do my best, and thank you for your kind words.
Amy - I love the Truth or Dare idea. I hope you have plenty of dares.
Hands63 - Lappy LOL Days to you too.
Downunder Don - Friday FAILS are the most fun for me to post.
Enzo - You are very welcome.
Rick - thanks for joining in the fun.
Bonnie - I was getting worried, but glad you could make it.
Ripley - It's my pleasure.
Boru - We've drunk all the wisky, but there's plenty of beer, and help yourself to the snacks:)
Hugs to everyone!
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