Today's story is a little out of the ordinary, but once again Rollin Hand shows his expert ability at writing erotica. A guys' night out takes an unexpected turn. How? Read on and find out!
The Wrestling Ladies - Part 1
When Bruce was invited out by the guys in the shop he was elated. Finally, they had decided to include him in their group. He knew he was not regarded as a cool guy, but he wanted to be accepted as one of the gang. They were a cool bunch of guys from work--Brad, Jim, Harry and Nick, and now he got to join them.
"We know this really outrageous place, you'll love it," Jim told him. "It's like, a wrestling joint, you know, with chicks in bikinis wrestling each other. It is hot. You won't frickin' believe it."
That sounded good to Bruce. He could see himself laughing and carrying on with the rest of the guys as they howled at the wrestling chicks. Because that’s all he really wanted – to be one the guys.
They picked him up in Jim's car and the five of them drove to this club. It was garishly lit on the outside. Lots of neon, signs that said "Girls!" and "Nude" flashed at him as they drove up. Inside were tables set on levels and arranged around a stage, amphitheater-style. The stage had ropes like a boxing ring. The guys ordered drinks and settled in for night of fun.
Bruce felt like he'd finally arrived. This was great--whooping it up with his new buddies. He probably had a few drinks too many, though, but was having such a good time that it just felt euphoric. The lights dimmed and an announcer came out. Much to the delight of the mostly male crowd, two busty babes, one blonde, one brunette, in abbreviated bikinis were introduced as the first match of the evening. The guys hooted and hollered as they went at each other with gusto. At one point the brunette ripped off the blonde's top to roars of approval. The blonde retaliated by pinning the brunette face down and spanking her luscious bottom while she wriggled and pounded the floor with her hands.
This set the stage for the next bout--a paddling match. The MC announced that the loser of the next match would have to take a full 10 licks with the "attitude adjuster". This time the contestants were a statuesque redhead and an athletic blonde. Both were well-built and hot. Then he brought out "Madame X" who would apply the "attitude adjuster" to the lush tail of the loser. Madame X was a sight. She was six feet tall in high heels and wore a black corset with thigh-high PVC boots. A solidly built Amazon of a woman, she nonetheless had curves in all the right places. Wearing a mask like Catwoman, she carried this black leather paddle with holes in it, making a circuit of the ring holding up the paddle for all to see. The place went wild with guys hooting and clapping.
The two contestants squared off. Both were wearing brief thongs that left them nearly bare and the sight of bouncing breasts and buttocks as they tussled was hypnotic to the mostly male crowd. The rowdy audience rooted for its favorites, mindful of the fact that there was to be an interesting forfeit for the loser.
Bruce rooted for the blonde--not because he wanted her to win, so much as he wanted the redhead to lose. He was looking forward to seeing her lush buns spanked with Madame X's paddle. After two rounds of furious tussling, the blonde did get the upper hand and pinned the unfortunate red haired girl.
The guys wildly for the blonde as the announcer raised up her hand in triumph. "The winner...Trina! and our loser is ...Tess. Ohhh, Tess, Madame X would like to see you now," said the MC, hamming it up for all he was worth.
Tess looked genuinely apprehensive as she beheld Madame X crooking her finger, motioning for Tess to come to the center of the ring. As the crowd hollered, Tess turned her back and bent over dutifully grabbing her knees. Madame X grabbed her around the waist, almost holding her under her arm. With her beautifully rounded posterior sticking up nicely, Tess absorbed 10 hearty smacks of the paddle, each one laid on slowly and with much fanfare by the imperious Madame X. Tess' bouncing buns jiggled at each swat from the paddle, and judging by her shrill yelps and the redness infusing her seat, they were real paddle swats.
By this time Bruce had a raging hard-on and was well lubricated as well.
"Man, that gal really got her tail fanned," said Jim.
"No way would I want that to be me," added Nick.
"I don't know," said Bruce, "maybe it was fake--special effects or something."
"Oh?" said Harry, eyebrows raised. "You think it was fake?"
"I dunno," drawled Bruce, now unsure of himself. "It just didn't look like that big a deal."
"I don't know, Bruce," said Jim, "they claim these paddlings are the real thing." Then he grinned. "Maybe there's a way to find out."
The MC was back now and with him was a tall, well built blonde. She had closely cropped hair and a trim athletic body. Bruce noticed the high set but not overly large breasts and the long well muscled legs. She looked like she did weight training. The broad shoulders and toned arms looked powerful. She was quite alluring, and in her two piece bikini there was not much left to the imagination. To Bruce it seemed like she looked more fit than the others. Bruce didn't see an opponent.
"What's going on? Who's she going to wrestle?"
The rest of the guys smiled at each other--like they had seen this before, but Nick said, "Hell, I dunno. Do you know, Jim?"
"Beats me," said Jim.
Their attention shifted at the sound of the MC's voice.
"Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the part of the evening that you have all been waiting for--our challenge match." The room erupted with applause and cheers. Clearly, Bruce mused, this was a crowd favorite.
"That's right, Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we issue a challenge--to anyone, male or female, who can defeat our champion, our own--Terrible Tawny DeVille." The place went wild. The MC waited for the hooting and cheering to die down.
"If there are any among you who will dare wrestle Terrible Tawny, a reward awaits you. I will give $500, that's right, folks, $500 to the man or woman who can pin Tawny DeVille."
As the room erupted again, Jim said," How about it Bruce, think you can take her?"
"Yeah, Bruce, how 'bout you, you're a strong guy. Wow, $500 is good money."
"C'mon Bruce, she's just a girl."
Bruce was feeling no pain, but, wow, wrestle a girl? Still $500 was not bad.
"But that's it, Jim, Nick, she's a girl."
"Well, if you're chicken..." Nick didn't have to finish.
Bruce stood up. Waved his arms. "Here, me....hey...over here."
The announcer saw him. "There, right, there. The gentleman standing. Come on down, sir."
Bruce grinned and sauntered down to the stage.
The MC stuck a microphone in his face. "And your name is?"
"Uh, Bruce." Bruce was grinning like an idiot. His buddies were cheering him on.
"Very good, Bruce. Tell me--are you ready to wrestle? Are you ready, for the grand prize of $500, to take on our lovely Tawny Deville?"
"Yeah. I'm game."
"He's game, folks. We have a challenger."
Bruce raised his hands as the crowd hooted.
"OK, Bruce. Let me explain the rules of our little contest. It's one round. You wrestle until one of you is pinned or you holler 'uncle'. There is no punching or kicking or hitting But if you lose” And here he paused for effect. “Your fate awaits you...and it is terrible one indeed."
Cheering erupted, but a cold chill crept up Bruce's back.
"If you lose, you have an appointment with Madame X—and her paddle. Ten hearty swats.” He smiled broadly. Did Bruce hear that right? Get spanked by Madame X? He was stunned. He almost didn’t hear the next part.
“Do you accept the challenge? Do you dare?"
Oh my God, thought Bruce, but it was too late. He couldn't back out now. The crowd was roaring and Bruce knew that his buddies were waiting to see if he would chicken out.
"Y-yes, I'll do it," he said somewhat weakly. What had he gotten himself into? He flushed, chagrinned as he contemplated the embarrassing prospect of being paddled by that woman.
They took Bruce backstage and fitted him in a brief Speedo that had him blushing at how ridiculous he looked. He felt nearly naked. When he emerged back into the lights amid howls and jeers, the first thing he saw was Tawny DeVille standing in the middle of the ring, hands on her hips with a wide grin on her face.
They faced off. A bell clanged. Bruce had no idea what to do. The whole thing was terrifying now. He shuffled around, arms outstretched, emulating what he thought he’d seen wrestlers do. Tawny DeVille just smiled and waited. Finally Bruce decided that he had to do something. So he lunged in. His opponent grabbed his wrist and swept her foot behind his. They fell to the mat in a heap. Bruce felt her grab him from the rear in some sort of hold. At the same time he could feel her, her breasts crushing against his back. He managed to turn it around and fell on top of her in a parody of a sexual position. Bruce tried to pin her, but she slipped away and dropped him again, this time sitting on his face. His nose was almost up her crotch. He could smell the musky scent of her. He brought his hands up and palmed her buttocks, trying to push her off. She reversed her position and laid her body across his chest. By now Bruce was exhausted. He had nothing left. Tawny DeVille pressed his shoulders down and pinned him. The bell rang.
Tawny DeVille stood up, victorious. She even extended her hand and pulled Bruce to his feet. He stood on wobbly legs.
“And the winner is---our own Tawny DeVille!” The announcer boomed it out with glee. Bruce tried to regain control of his breathing. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the formidable figure of Madame X entering the ring—with her paddle.
“And nowwww---“ The announcer leered at Bruce. “---Our unfortunate loser must take his licks. Madame X, if you will.”
Madame X put her foot on a stool at the center of the ring and crooked her finger at Bruce. The whole place was coming down, shouting and screaming at Madame X, Bruce and everyone else. Bruce tentatively came forward. Good grief, the woman was big and built. No question-- she was all woman, with all the requisite curves, but she had the muscles of a bodybuilder.
She lifted Bruce like he was a rag doll and put him over her propped up knee. Bruce hung there, his butt pointed skyward and his legs waving in the air. Then, WHAP! The paddle smacked his ass and he jumped. It stung! The crowd roared its approval.
WHACK! He got another one. Yow! His ass stung even worse. The heat was beginning to build. He realized then that the paddle was made of some springy material that not only made a lot of noise but generated some real heat.
Smack! Another one made him kick his legs back. Crack! Good grief! His butt was ablaze.
Still, six more swats with that paddle to come, and he was feeling it. His behind really burned, reminding him of childhood spankings from the past, how the sting would make him burst into tears begging his mom to stop. But it didn’t stop until he had all ten solidly applied licks. When it was over Madame X put Bruce on his feet and slyly patted his behind. She whispered in his ear, “You’re a good sport. Come backstage after the show. I’ll let the doorman know.”
Bruce didn’t know what to make of that. He was escorted back to a dressing room where he rubbed his burning buttocks, trying to put out the fire. He put his street clothes back on and while the next match was going on, he slipped back in to watch. He didn’t feel much like rejoining his supposed friends. Obviously, this had been a set up and he had fallen for it. It made him sad, but there was one bright spot. He had been invited backstage. That caused a little flutter of arousal. The wrestling match had actually made him hard. All that body contact with a hot number like Tawny DeVille, the feeling of rubbing up against breasts and buttocks with various body parts. The paddling had been arousing too, and he thought that odd. There was just a warm glow in his seat now that was making him randy as hell. All he knew was that he would very much like to see these women again.
Next week we join Bruce as he goes backstage for...who knows what?
Hi Hermione,
This is definitely a bit of a different story, but entertaining and brilliantly written by Rollin as always. Looking forward to seeing what happens back stage!
Hi Hermione -
Not my taste per se, but I enjoyed the well crafted and unique story line. Looking forward to the next part of the story. Thanks for sharing.
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