Today we continue with Rollin Hand's short story, "The Wrestling Ladies". It's not like my usual erotic fare, but Rollin knew how to write for all tastes. Last week we left Bruce tingling after a public spanking in, of all ,places, a wrestling ring. He had been invited backstage, and now we find him in bit of a quandry. Should he go?
He didn’t want to wait around, so he left and went outside. He had no idea what he wanted to do and by default took to strolling aimlessly down the street. An idea struck as he chanced upon a street vendor selling flowers. That’s the ticket, he thought. He bought a bouquet and made his way back to the club.
As promised, the doorman recognized him and led him around a different way, backstage toward the dressing rooms.
“They liked you, man,” said the doorman. “Not many guys get invited back to the dressing room after a show. Yeah, they maybe got their eyes on you.”
“That’s a good thing isn’t it?” said Bruce. “Do they ever date guys? You know -- let you take them out?”
The doorman chuckled. “From what I’ve heard it’s not exactly like that. They like some guys, certain types of guys. Mostly, nice polite types like yourself who are, let’s say, obedient. But they are peculiar, I’ve heard, so watch yourself. Me, I get nervous around gals like them.”
He showed him the door and left. Bruce stood there for a moment, flower bouquet in his hand, wondering if he should knock. He was nervous. Finally he did.
The door was opened by Tawny DeVille.
“Well, look what we have here, Lara. Our friend from the show.” She opened the door and ushered him in.
Bruce gulped. He’d never seen so much feminine pulchritude so openly displayed. There were nearly a dozen women in various stages of undress casually milling around, packing costumes away and preparing to dress. Mostly they were in underwear, just bras and panties. Bruce tried not to stare.
Lara, who Bruce recognized as Madame X, came forward.
“Hello. Bruce is it?”
Bruce nodded and proffered the flowers.
She took them. “How nice. You’re a thoughtful boy.” She turned around. “See what a thoughtful young man he is? I told you. Francine,” she said addressing a stunning brunette, “find some water, could you?”
Francine smiled and took the flowers.
“You were a good sport, young man. You were not going to beat Tawny, you know. All my ladies are body builders, and they all know how to wrestle.”
Bruce could see that. They all looked athletic with well-developed legs, arms and shoulders. But that did not detract from their womanly charms one bit. Despite the intimidation factor they were all hot. Waists were tiny and breasts and buttocks were full and rounded. Bruce found himself sporting an erection which he tried to will into submission lest they see his state and disapprove.
Lara sat Bruce down and introduced him to several of the girls. Tawny DeVille was Jen. The lush redhead who’d been paddled was Virginia. Francine was a gorgeous brunette. They all chatted him up for a few minutes, one at a time. Bruce almost got the feeling that it was an interview. They asked him if he was married, whether he had a girlfriend, did he go to clubs often? Bruce truthfully answered no to all these questions and the girls seemed pleased with his answers.
Finally Lara came back over and sat down next to Bruce, her thigh touching his. She leaned in close and whispered, “I enjoyed spanking you Bruce. You have a nice tight boy butt. I hope it wasn’t too hard.” She giggled.
Bruce blushed and swallowed. Her feminine presence, so close to him was unnerving. “No, it was – I mean you didn’t… it was ok, really. Actually it was kind of nice.” He attempted a sophisticated chuckle. “It was hot, if you really want to know.”
“Really?” said Lara. She tossed her head back, now very interested. “Have you been spanked by a woman before?” She drew the question out and smiled broadly.
Bruce froze. How could he admit that the last woman to spank him had been his mom and he’d been a teenager at the time? How embarrassing was that? He’d stayed too late at a party and had come home smelling of beer and smoke. His mother, a strict and demanding matriarch, had met him at the door. Bruce made the mistake of sassing her. It was the one and only time he did, because his mother marched him upstairs, took him into her bedroom and sat on a chest at the foot of her bed while he stood. She scolded him for several minutes before grabbing her hairbrush off her vanity table. Then she issued the dreaded command that made his blood freeze, “Bruce Hanson Davis, take your pants down and get over my knee. You are getting the spanking of your life. You won’t sass me again, ever, young man.”
Despite his pleading and apologies, his mother was unmoved. Mother ran the house and once she issued a command, that was it. You obeyed. She put him over her knee as if he were a child of ten, not a mature teenager. The spanking he got with that hard hairbrush was the last, and possibly the worst, licking he’d ever received. And he’d received more than a few. The hard wood smacked his bare fanny over and over until he was a sobbing and contrite mess of a little boy. His momma spanked long, pausing at times to lecture, the lecture punctuated with sharp spanks with the brush. The searing burn was unimaginable, overwhelming him with pain and shame. It lasted a good five minutes, and when it finally ended he had hopped up and down frantically, trying to rub the sting out of his blazing bottom while tears poured from his eyes. As his mother had intended, that had taken him down a peg or two.
No, he didn’t want to tell Lara about that.
“Uh, no,” he lied, blushing beet red.
“Mmm,” she mused. “I see. So it was something new.” Then she changed the subject. “How did you feel about losing the wrestling match to a woman?”
Bruce shrugged, but the question got his dander up. “Ok, she knew some tricks. But I still think I’m stronger.”
That got a reaction. Several of the girls turned around and laughed.
Lara chuckled. “You do, do you? Well then, care for a rematch?”
Bruce, stung by the girls’ reactions, said, “Sure, why not? She surprised me that first time is all. I bet I’d win if we did it again.”
Lara flashed a broad smile. “Ok, then. Come over to our place Sunday afternoon. We have a swimming pool.” Then she added with a grin, “But swimming suits are optional. We’ll have a rematch, you and Tawny. And we’ll have a little wager.”
Bruce’s eyes narrowed. What now?
“If you win, Tawny is your slave for the day. She will do anything you ask.” Then Lara leaned her head in close to Bruce and looked him straight in the eyes. “And I mean anything.” She leaned back and called to Tawny, “Isn’t that right Tawny?”
“That’s right,” said Tawny. She’d been standing there, hands on hips, listening. “Mmmm…you can have me any way you want, Bruce.”
“And if I lose?” Bruce swallowed again. He had the impression of a lioness stalking a gazelle, the way she eyed him.
“If you lose – let’s see.” She tapped her finger against her lip, thinking. “I know. How about a spanking on your bare butt and you agree to be our houseboy for the day and serve us at our whim. How about that?”
A bare butt spanking? Yow! Thought Bruce. Then he looked at Tawny’s hot hardbody figure and that come hither smile. His cock surged. Damn! He was sure had not mistaken Lara’s meaning. This whole thing had just jumped to a new level.
“You’re on,” he said. “I’ll be there.”
We'll be there too, next week, right on time.
This is such a fun, wonderful story Hermione. Definitely a bit different but a great read. Looking forward to reading more:)
Hermione, I agree with Roz, different but a good read. Enjoying it. Thanks.
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