Spanky53: That's right, young man. You're going to be dangling bare bottom over my knee very soon. And it would be wise not to do your usual wiggling and kicking this high off the floor.
KDPierre: Photographer to model: "That's it...I want this pose to look completely natural, just as if you were relaxing at home."
Bernie: The confident pose and expression suggests that someone should worry.
QBuzz: Maybe my backside will be extremely uncomfortable next time you take your belt to me... but at least my frontside will be comfy bent across this nice cushioned stoo.
Wendel Jones: Darla won’t look so relaxed when the belt starts smacking her bottom.
Ronnie: See this knee darling? Well you will be over it when we get home.
Baxter: Ok, young man, come in here and take this stool over to the bed and lay over it, so your bottom is up at a good spanking angle. Yes, it will hurt, but you WILL thank me.
Barrel: Hmmmm...let me I going to whip...or cane you...or maybe both?
Anon 2: I'm sorry, but if you wanted me to sit down on the cushion for this shoot, you shouldn't have spanked me so hard this morning.
You want me to bend over and put my hands on the cushion? Why?
You're going to sit down on this and do what?
Oh, that's okay. I think my hair looks fine. You don't need to use that hairbrush on it!
Hermione: Your phone will stay in this hamper until you've given me a good, hard spanking!
Please stick around for brunch, coming up next.

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