Rosco: Who knows? I wonder if she knows I’m watching her, admiring her big beautiful bottom. I wish I had the courage to say introduce myself and perhaps offer to help Hilda with her sunscreen.
I’m also wondering what it says on the seat of her bikini bottom.
But if she is watching boys, I’m jealous.
Tomy Nash: I think her hubby is dong something he's not supposed to and he's going over the lovely lap later.
QBuzz: Caught perving on the lifeguards at the nearby beach, Hilda was completely unaware of the vulnerability of her bottom as her husband's belt slipped quietly from its loops.
Anon 1: Hermione watched the spanking party that was taking place on the distant sailboat with great delight and wondered how she could get herself an invitation to join the fun.
Ronnie: Hilda knew that spying on Peter and his friends would get her spanked. Now how could she get him to catch her.
Bobby Shaftoe's gone to sea.
He put me across his knee.
He'll come back and paddle me.
Pretty Bobby Shaftoe.
Anon 2: Hilda's husband had given her permission to borrow his spyglass to watch the sea birds and look for whales, but when she heard cries for help coming from the sailboat, she directed her attention to what was happening on the deck of the ship. To her surprise, she discovered that what she was hearing were the painful cries of the first mate, who was bent over the boat's railing as the captain applied a paddle to her bare bottom while other members of the all-female crew looked on. Hilda watched with a mixture of delight and trepidation as the captain meted out the same punishment to each of the other crew members, then made them all line up and stand at attention with their red bottoms on full display while he steered the boat over the horizon. Hilda made sure to document what she had witnessed by taking several photographs of the proceedings so she could show her husband what had happened and demand that he take action to remedy the situation, which he did by putting her over his knee, removing her bikini bottom, and using a hairbrush to blister her ample posterior for being such a nosy busybody, and for disobeying his directive that she stop using his spyglass and camera to pry into people's private lives.
KDPierre: Hilda soon learned the drawbacks of ordering sod from overseas.
[Rosco: If past illustrations are any clue, I believe Hilda is partial to wearing recycled sacks that say "flour" on them.]
Hermione: Hilda was so engrossed in watching Stuart's paddle-laden ship, she never heard Cameron "The Canemaster" Johnson creep up behind her.
That was so much fun! Let's keep the party going with brunch, coming up next.

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