Liza: The bedroom nightstand. Your question reminds me of something that happened.
Before my husband and I were married, we would stay at his parents' house when they were away because we lived across the state from each other. The riding crop fell under the bed and we forgot about it. The next time my husband saw his mom, she handed the crop to him and said, "I believe this is yours. Dad and I have our own." Lol My MIL is the only person that can embarrass my husband.
Roz: Our toys are kept in the bedroom wardrobe and bedside drawers. Visitors would have to be looking to find them and fortunately it hasn't happened...yet! As far as we know anyway!
Joe: Ours are kept in drawers in our bedroom were no else goes but sometimes used in different places. Once a leather strap was forgotten in the living room and when our adult daughter found it my wife just smiled and put it away.
Anon 1: I answer the questions from friends and family. My wife's razor strap stays hanging on the bedroom wall regardless of who is visiting. Don't know how many times I've had four crimson cheeks at the same time over the years!
Jack: Hide, not my wife. The hairbrush hangs in the kitchen, no other items. Spankings are not for entertainment, they serve a purpose. It is well known who rules the house.
Glenmoretales: They are well hidden except for the bath brush which hangs innocently in our ensuite.
As for them being discovered, well that depends who discovers them doesn't it?
Willie: B is like a little squirrel. He has his things stashed all over the house. The vast majority are under the bed in containers of some sort. The longer ones are in his top drawer under clothes. Once in a while he'll pull something out from under the mattress, and some are kept in his night stand. He also has stored some in the furnace room or has created pervertables in there.
I keep waiting for someone to ask why there is a ring bolt in our bedroom ceiling but no one has. LOL
Rosco: We have a locked box in our bedroom. The (grown) kids have asked once or twice what is inside when they visit.
My sister-in-law found a riding crop when she stayed over once, and neighbors have over heard us a few times - that we know of.
Irene will sometimes spank me then tie me to a chair in her closet and close the door. Or she will tie me to the bed and spank me. Then she will leave me to reflect on my behavior for 30 minutes or so. When she returns she will pretend to be somebody else discovering that I am a naughty boy who needs to be punished.
But we have never really been caught.
Ronnie: Most are now kept in our bedroom wardrobe. A couple under the mattress and under the bed. No one has spotted anything so far or at least I don't think so.
QBuzz: Most are in the wardrobe where few would look, though a few are hanging on the back of the bedroom door beneath our dressing gowns. I'm sure nobody will ever find them...
Anon 2: The paddle is between the mattress and boxspring, the belt is always on Sir, and the rest is in a briefcase with a lock in our closet.
Barrel: Every toy we have, except one, is in one of those triangular FedEx shipping boxes that is long enough to hold our two canes and one riding crop that are lengthy. It lives behind my closet door as I am always ordered to fetch her selection. I hang the wrist straps of the leather strap and rubber paddle on the box tabs to ease their access. The only implement that lives in a different place is her hair brush, which resides in her makeup drawer, which is opened daily...a constant reminder.
Wendel: They are all hidden in our room. Some in the drawers and other in the closet. Pretty sure the Misses’ sister knows we spank each other so I wouldn’t be surprised if she has gone snooping for implements.
Hermione: When our family comes to visit, I take all the implements down from the rack on the wall and put them into a drawer. In their place I hang necklaces on the empty pegs. I throw a pashmina over the ones hanging on the door, while the small ones are in a box hidden under the bed. Then I put childproof doorknob protectors on the rooms and shut the doors. (That will work until the children are a few years older.)
Tomorrow I promise I'll share a special story with you.

1 comment:
Sorry, a bit late, I know but mine are in a cardboard box that Cane-Ian sent my order in. It’s shaped like a Toblerone and resides under my bed.
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