How vocal is the spankee? Let's find out.
Jack: Vocal, protest, wife could care less, the louder I am the more people
will hear, adds to the punishment. Once she started using the bath
brush I really protest, and very loud.
QBuzz: Neither of us take our spankings stoically. There is plenty of
whimpering and moaning, and the occasional protest... all part of the
fun really :D
Willie: When we started Ttwd we still had kids at home. I was conditioned to
hiss and suck in the pain. When we go away I can get a lot more vocal
and sometimes that is much more freeing.
Yorkie: At first I didn’t want to scare so I kept quiet. Over the last few years
though, she’s become quite adept at spanking me and I always talk to
her during it and encourage and guide her in what I want to the point
that nowadays I am owing, oohing and even throw in the odd swear word
while kicking my legs a bit. We still try to keeps reasonably quiet
because of neighbours and adult children living with us but we are in a
separate building so not too quiet.
Wendel: When I give the Misses a spanking by hand she usually whimpers quietly.
Maybe an occasional oohh and ahhh. When I use the paddle or belt the cry
outs get a bit louder and she cries out how she will be a good girl if I
stop. When the Misses has a girls night out she will paddle me to
remind me to behave while she is out. In between whacks I have to assure
her I will be good.
Joe: I am very quiet during my spankings, if I make too much noise T thinks
she is causing me harm and we have other people in the house. The
occasional oww or ahh is ok but overall the actual spankings make more
noise than I do. The TV or music is always on for cover.
Roz: I am usually quiet at the beginning of a spanking but as it progresses I become more vocal. Lots of grunts and groaning lol.
Rosco: We’ve never really discussed it, but I respond according to how hard I want to be spanked.
I suspect she might be about to stop and I want more, I’ll complain
that I don’t deserve the spanking. I’ll say it isn’t fair. This will egg
Irene on of course.
If I apologize profusely for my behavior and promise to be good, she might let up. This is a way of saying I’ve had enough.
Barrel: When we use spanking as foreplay, I try to remain completely silent
because that's what she expects. However I do grunt and deeply exhale
depending on the length and intensity of the spanking. When we plan an
extended session or the spanking is for punishment, I do moan and breath
heavily. Whether I am gagged or not, my wife will usually ask how I am
doing, wanting to know if she has taken my beyond my limit. Despite
some serious thrashings, she hasn’t gotten me there yet, and the
whipping or caning continues until she decides I have had enough.
During these sessions, I don’t talk, answer with a uh-ha and try to
control my breathing.
Ronnie: To start I'm usually quite (depending on the spanking) Once P gets going
I'm very vocal, I grunt, moan, shout, sometimes a swear word slips out
and I get a hard spank for that.
Bonnie: I typically have plenty to say, at least until I reach that floaty place and then I tend to be quiet.
Prefectdt: It usually depends where the spanking is happening. Much of the time
noise can be an issue and I have learnt over the years to suck it up and
remain relatively quite. I do love it though when I am in a place where
I can let rip vocally, especially if I am playing with someone who
likes to bring it on a bit :)
Amy: Good question! It really depends where we are at the time. When I get
close to not being able to take anymore, I do this, "Okay, okay okay!"
song and Eric knows he's got me right where he wants me. He is more
concerned about people hearing than I am so he'll decide what comes next
based on how close the neighbors are.
Welcome back, Amy!
Anon: I tend to be pretty vocal. But there are times Master orders me to take
my spanking or paddling is silence. When he issues this order and I fail
to remain silent; I earn additional punishment for disobeying.
There are a few occasions where Master has told me HOW I'm allowed to be vocal. On 2 occasions he ordered that all sounds I make "Must be the word HARDER" or "MORE".
was very psychological for me to be asking for a harder paddling or
more strokes when that was exactly the opposite of what I was feeling on
my backside at the time. I'm very glad he doesn't do this often.
Hermione: I am very vocal, with plenty of OWWWs as well as some giggles. I feel that staying silent isn't necessary, in fact, quite the opposite. I want to let Ron know how much his efforts are appreciated.
That's all for this week. Stay safe and wear your masks!