Today's little tale is one I salvaged from the late Alex Birch's blog. It was written by Penny Birch (no relation!) and is from the book Tight White Cotton published by Nexus. Doesn't that title give you a shiver? This extract comes at the beginning of the book and explains how the narrator, Patricia Laurdale, daughter of the Headmaster no less, discovers the joys of corporal punishment at the hands of a boy three years her junior after she follows him one day during a school free period.
I didn't want anyone to see us together, so I followed a little way behind, keeping out of sight. He walked really slowly, making it easy to follow him, but he kept going, out of the school grounds and on to the rough track that led to the open moor. When he got to the woods at the head of the valley he slowed down even more as if searching for something. We were well away from the school so I decided to approach him and managed to sneak up really close before he saw me. When he did he gave a start and for a moment looked really guilty, as if I had caught him up to no good.Once can only suppose that the bell rang just then and Percy had to sprint awkwardly back to school for his next class.
"Hello, Percy. What are you up to?" I greeted him, and I'm certain he blushed.
"Just going for a walk," he answered quickly. "It's a beautiful day, don't you think?"
"Yes, beautiful," I agreed. "May I walk with you?"
He looked uncomfortable but agreed and we set off together. I had it all planned; how I would tell him I knew about Elaine and threaten to tell my father if he didn't give me the full story. In practice it wasn't so easy, and I was still trying to pluck up the courage for it when we reached the old quarry at the head of the track. It was a lonely place with rusting machinery, two old cars and quite a few old beer cans and cigarette stubs lying around. I realised why Percy had looked so guilty when I caught up with him.
"Were you coming here to drink or smoke?" I demanded, trying to look really shocked.
Both were caning offences, with expulsion for persistent offenders, and from the colour of Percy's face I knew at once that I had found him out.
"Neither," he stammered, but his face was red, just like a drawing I had seen of Billy Bunter caught raiding another boy's tuck box.
"Don't lie to me!" I snapped. "I'll tell my father if you don't tell the truth."
"And if I do?"
"I won't. I promise."
He hesitated, obviously not trusting me, but he really didn't have much of a choice. Then he gave a shrug and reached inside his jacket to pull out a little bottle. Drinking was as forbidden to me as it was to the boys, Daddy being strictly teetotal, and just the sight of that dark bottle sent a wonderfully illicit thrill through me.
"What is it?" I demanded.
"Wine," he said sullenly.
"Let's drink it then." I answered.
He brightened immediately and smiled, then nodded towards the old sheds at the back of the quarry. I followed him, feeling guilty and excited. The entrance to the shed he chose was choked with brambles, but he held them aside for me and let them swing back behind us, sealing us off. The inside was big and almost empty, with a great block of concrete that must have once had some machinery on it. A long window gave us a view out over the woods and the track, another faced the the rock face of the quarry. It was perfect for illicit goings on, except that if anyone did come there was no obvious way out.
"If we see anybody we go out the back window and up a little gully in the cliff." Percy told me as if reading my mind. "It's a bit tricky but if I can do it you should be able to."
"Open the wine then!"
He took the bottle from his pocket, then a corkscrew. I watched, feeling nervous, guilty and wonderfully conspiratorial, as he carefully drew the cork. It popped open, and to my surprise he drew a small glass from another pocket, filled it half full, sniffed the wine and then passed it to me.
"It's a 'forty five'," he informed me. "A good year, but a bit young. Still it should be all right in a half."
I took a sip, then a swallow, finding a strange, earthy taste, then a hot feeling in the back of my throat. Nodding in what I hoped was a knowledgeable way I passed the glass back to Percy, who took a sip, frowned at the glass, then took another.
"Not bad," he stated. "Still, who'd believe me if I said I'd drunk it with the Headmaster's daughter!"
I giggled, still thinking of Billy Bunter, but of an altogether more wicked Bunter if Elaine McKeown was to be believed.
"You'd get the cane if we were caught," I said "You know that, don't you?"
"It's absurd," he answered. "I'm eighteen. I bought this in a little shop in Harrogate quite legally. The school has no right to stop me."
"You'd still get caned."
"Not if they don't catch me."
"You're very brave. Doesn't the cane hurt terribly?"
Percy didn't answer immediately, but took a sip of his wine, then passed the glass back to me and sat down on the concrete block.
"Yes it does," he admitted "but it's soon over."
"But isn't it dreadfully shameful?," I persisted "I mean you have to take your trousers down don't you?"
"And our underpants! You just have to think about something else."
"I couldn't stand it! I know I'd cry and everything."
"It's worse if you make an exhibition of yourself - then you get teased. Anyway you girls are lucky. You don't get beaten, do you?"
"NOOO. That would be awful, not to mention indecent!"
"Why? I mean why more so than for a boy?"
"Well it's not the same! I mean they couldn't - not to a girl!"
"Why not? They used to, knickers down and everything! They still do in some schools!"
I was blushing furiously and took a swallow of my wine to hide my confusion. Just the way he'd mentioned the girls having their knickers pulled down had set my stomach fluttering; it was just too much, too awful to think about. I mean a girl, having to pull her knickers down and display her bare bottom!
"I'm sure that's not true." I said, trying to sound haughty.
Percy shrugged and took the glass back from me to refill it, then held it up to the bright sunlight to admire the colour, apparently indifferent to my blushes. He didn't seem bothered, but I desperately wanted to carry on talking about being beaten, even though it was doing strange things to me.
"It's worse for a girl," I said defensively.
"I disagree," he replied. "You have bottoms, just like us boys, only better padded."
"But..but.." I managed and then stopped. I desperately wanted to explain that it was far ruder for a girl to show herself bare than for a boy, which I thought everybody understood. Apparently Percy didn't.
"What does it feel like?" I asked, keen to keep talking - but NOT about girls getting it!
"Let me do it to you and you'll find out." He laughed.
"NO! You couldn't" I exclaimed, horrified by the proposal.
Suddenly he wasn't the safe, silly Billy Bunter any more, but a wicked devil who liked the idea of a girl getting smacked across her bare bottom.
"I know about you and Elaine McKeown, you know,' I said quickly. "You'd better not try anything funny!"
Do you really?" he grinned "And you dared to come up here with me alone?"
I couldn't answer him, because I really didn't know - but whatever it was, it was obviously pretty dirty, far worse than I had ever imagined, and suddenly I was scared. Percy might have been fat, jolly and soft but he was still a man and much bigger than me too.
"Don't worry!" He laughed. "I've never made Elaine do anything she didn't want to, and I wouldn't to you either."
"Do you...cane her? I asked hesitantly trying to stop my jaw trembling.
"No," he answered. "You really don't know, do you. I'm sure she wouldn't tell you."
"You tell me then."
"No it wouldn't be fair. You might tell someone else."
"I wouldn't, I swear!"
"How do I know? We haven't got a secret so how could I be sure of you?"
"We do have a secret. We're drinking and we shouldn't be."
"Haaa, that won't do! I'd still get the worst of it if we were found out. Let me cane you and I'll tell."
"Oh you PIG!"
"There's no need for temper. The way you've been going on about it, you are obviously dying for it!"
"I am NOT!"
"Then I won't tell you about Elaine. I don't mind."
I didn't answer because I couldn't. The horrible pig wanted to see my bare bottom, and then beat me. Now I knew what Elaine meant about him being dirty. I guessed he had caught her out, just like he had caught me out. The difference was, I wasn't going to do it, even though my tummy was fluttering like mad and part me wanted nothing more than what he was suggesting.
"Tell you what," he said suddenly. "Let me see your knickers and I'll tell you about Elaine."
I just stood there with my mouth open, appalled by just how dirty he was, but fascinated by the whole thing, by the thought of showing off my bottom, by the thought of him making me do rude things. Most of all I was excited by the thought of the caning he had suggested I wanted.
"Come on," he insisted. "Just a peep."
"You are a dirty pig, Ottershaw, and I ought to tell my father," I answered but I was already pulling up my dress.
"No," he stopped me. "Don't. I want to do that."
"Oh all right," I snapped.
"Turn around then," he said cheerfully, " and stick it out for me."
I stamped my foot as I turned and pushed out my bottom, utterly furious but unable to stop what I was doing. His hands went to the hem of my dress and he started to lift, slowly, revealing my legs, then my stocking tops and lastly the seat of my knickers. He didn't just take his peep but kept my skirt up - I could feel his eyes on my bottom, which felt very big and very prominent inside my knickers. I was just glad I'd put on plain white ones that morning.
"You're beautiful, Patty," he whispered softly then kissed my bottom through the seat of my knickers.
A shiver ran through me, a lovely feeling, so that even though it felt indecent and improper, it didn't feel wrong.
"I'm going to take your knickers down, Patty," he went on. "They need to come down so you can show that lovely bottom, all bare and beautiful."
I could have stopped him but I didn't want to. He kissed my bottom again and then, ever so slowly, he began to pull down my knickers. I felt every inch of it as my waistband slid down, revealing what I was supposed to keep secret, exposing me with his face just inches from my flesh. He took them right down, settling them upside down around my lower thighs, then kissed me again, this time on the crease of my bare bottom.
"Patty, I want to cane you," he said softly. "Please? You have such a pretty bottom and I want to."
I said he could, though I could hardly believe they were my words. Percy disappeared immediately and I waited, bending over with my dress tucked up, my knickers down and my bare bottom fully presented. Soon he was back, swishing an old car aerial from side to side and grinning from ear to ear. I hung my head in shame at what I was doing.
"I'm going to give you six," he said, "just like we get. Then you'll know how it feels. And when it's over you will thank me for it, because it's good for you, because it increases your sense of humility before least that's what your father always says!"
I gave a sob as I stuck my bottom out for it, looking back and waiting for the pain. He gave the aerial one last swish and then smacked me with it, right across the centre of my bottom. I jumped and squealed as a fiery pain shot through my bottom, really stinging, like nettles only worse.
"No, no, stop!" I begged and covered my poor smarting bottom with my hands.
"Come on, Patty, push it out again," he said, quite kindly, "It's what we have to do when your father canes us, so you must take it the same way."
"But I don't get caned!" I wailed "And I haven't done anything!"
"You've been drinking," he answered. "I'd get caned for that. So why shouldn't you? Now be a good girl and stick that pretty bottom out!"
I sobbed again but refused to take my hands away from my bottom. Maybe he was right - maybe I did deserve to be punished - but it hurt so much! The first cut had begun to throb and my whole bottom felt warm, also heavy in my hands, the cheeks soft and sensitive, with the cane welt a fiery line of raised flesh running across both of them.
"Take your hands away, Patty!" he ordered, gently but firmly, " and put them on your head. That's what we have to do for rubbing, so it's only right you do the same."
If he hadn't put that first stripe across my bottom I don't think I would have done it, but I did, despite knowing how painful it really was. With my hands on top of my head I pushed my bottom out and and shut my eyes tight, waiting for the stroke with my whole body shaking. It came hard, making me cry out again and jump up and down, clutching my bottom.
"Hands back on head!" Percy said firmly. "We get extra if we take them away and so should you, so now it's going to be seven."
I could feel the tears starting from my eyes but I put my hands back on my head and stuck my bottom out again, simply unable to disobey him. My whole bottom was now throbbing and there was a big lump in my throat but there was another feeling too, in my pussy, strangely moist down between my thighs.
He gave me the third stroke, and I jumped and squealed again, yet managed to keep my hands on my head. I was shaking really hard, and the tears were threatening to spill from my eyes, but I pushed my bottom out again, beaten and obedient and needing more or the hot feeling that was building up between my legs. The fourth cut hit my bottom low and I really yelled and my knees buckled, making my bottom open up before I quickly got back in position.
I swallowed hard, choking back my tears of humiliation. He had seen my fanny from behind and my bottom hole too, which was even worse. The fifth stroke came as I was till thinking about the shame of a boy seeing what was between my bottom cheeks and I jumped and cried out like before. As I closed my legs I felt the wetness. I was sure he would see and know I was excited, which made the shame so much worse.
"You see, it's no different for girls." he said. "You act just the same, shaking your head to dull the pain, swallowing to check your tears. A beating is a beating, boy or girl!"
I didn't answer, because it wasn't the pain that was making me shake my head but the dreadful realisation that the caning was getting me excited. In fact the fifth stroke had hardly seemed to hurt at all and my bottom just felt as if it was glowing. I pushed it out again, not too far at first, then all the way because I couldn't stop myself any more. I wanted him to see my fanny...and my bottom hole. I wanted him to see it all!
"Oh Patty, you are so pretty" he whispered and then the tears really started to come.
The sixth stroke bit into my bottom and I cried aloud but quickly got back into my lewd pose, waiting for punishment with my bottom cheeks wide open and my little hole showing.
"Just one more, darling." he said and the seventh stroke came down hard across the fullest part of my cheeks, right over my bottom hole.
I jerked and squealed again but relief was flooding through me, a great, wonderful wave of it. Percy was holding his arms out to me as I turned and went to him. He had beaten me and should have been the last person I wanted comfort from, but it wasn't like that. It was because he had beaten me and controlled me, that I wanted to hold him, and hold him with my knickers still down, the evidence of my punishment showing clearly behind me. I was sobbing and shaking as he held me close, crying freely into his neck as he stroked my hair and patted my inflamed bottom. I wanted to ask him to touch me, to feel my wet pussy, but I couldn't get the words out, then he was taking my hand and was guiding it gently downwards.
"Oh God!" was all I managed, as he placed my hand on the huge bulge at the front of his trousers.
"I want you to do me with your hand, Patty," he whispered. "Come on, I'm going to take it out!"

Wonderful story Hermione, brilliantly written. I think they both better hope her father doesn't find out!
I've read a couple of stories by Penny Birch but not this one. Thanks for sharing.
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