What is Rule 34? If something exists, it can be looked at in a sexual way.
I never realized it before, but it occurs to me that the philosophy of this blog is an extension of Rule 34: if it exists, it has something to do with spanking. I propose that this be called Rule 34s.
All in favour, say "Ow."

Funny! :D
"Ow". LOL, yes fun post Hermione, thanks.
Wordsmith - Thanks!
Ronnie - I'm glad you're on board with this one!
In your picture at the bottom, I think Gumby is about to smack that ass!
Shall we call this rule 34a?
Karl Friedrich Gauss
"Ow"! Kinda Freudian, right?
"Ow." Very funny.
Ow! This rule applies to everyday life, right, not just the internet? (grin)
And it is clear that Rule 34s has been in effect here for some time, as evidenced by your Seussian Pastiche in the upper right corner.
Speaking of upper rights, Karl is correct, Gumby is pretending to vote, but actually about to spank Pokey. That is either "furry" or "cosplay," both of which I learned about on the Interwebs from a cat.
By the way, if you combine the "C" and the "L" in "Clokey" and turn it around and upside down, it makes a "P," which proves Pokey was always Art Clokey in disguise. He got the idea of entering his own created world from the theology of his earlier work on "Davey and Goliath." I have typed it and put it on the Web, it is now true.
Ow! I always loved Gumby and Pokey.
Gumby never spanked Pokey, but I am pretty sure I remember Gumby being spanked. Not sure if it was Pokey that spanked Gumby or whether it was Gumby's father.
Gumby was always getting into trouble. Pokey, on the other hand, was a good friend. He would always try to talk Gumby out of doing the mischief things Gumby was about to do. Gumby never listened.
It's amazing Gumby didn't get spanked more often.
I wish I had a friend like Pokey. Sigh.
Sorry, for the Gumby and Pokey ramble.
Karl - That was why I chose that particular picture; I thought so too.
Sara - Yes, just a bit!
Joey - Thanks.
Meow - Yes, pretty much!
Dave - Yes, that's right. Dr Seuss came in very handy here.
That's interesting about Pokey being Clokey's alter ego. Who knew!
Bree - My gosh, you're a real fan of them! I always loved Pokey cuz he was a pony, otherwise I don't remember much about Gumby.
I used to play with Gumby all the time.
Dave, fascinating. And here I thought "Pokey" was about something sexual. ;-)
Erica - I saw a Gumby in a gift shop window today. Something tells me I'm going to go back tomorrow!
Pokey - sexual? Rule 34!!
I really have no idea who Gumby and Pokey are but looks funny :)
Kiwi - They are animated clay figures and were a popular children's TV show years ago.
Who knew that "Rule 34" was also "a pervy technothriller": http://www.boingboing.net/2011/07/06/strosss-rule-34-perv.html
Karl Friedrich Gauss
Karl - Who knew indeed! Thanks.
OWWWWWWWW! Brilliant! xxxxxxx
(lol, my captcha for this is "booterib" wish it had been "booterass"!!!
Daisy - "Booterass" would have been so cool!
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