A frisky maiden is scampering away from an interested gentleman, but she doesn't appear to be too anxious to get away. What could be on her mind? What does he think of the wardrobe malfunction?
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Unfortunately for Hermione the only thing on Simon's mind was whether he could get that delightful outfit and undies in his size.
"Catch me if you can-can"
@Simon(e): LOLOLOLOL
You didn't think that the honeymoon was for us, did you? Oh, poor baby...
Scarlet says, Oh my, Rhett it seems that I forgot my knickers.
Rhett says, frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn.
Oh Ronald wait we can't go yet as I've forgotten to put my knickers on, look.
Hope your having a wonderful long weekend Hermione.
And Marilyn Monroe thought that she was the first one to pull the air vent trick.
You've seen London,you've seen France now you see my underpants!
Sorry couldn't resist. :)
Rhett Butler! You'll have to catch me first before you even THINK of using THAT on me! Not that I mind, of course.
"What you see is what you get ... if you manage to lay your hands on me."
In reply to whatever he asked, she's saying "make me".
From Mae West:
"Why don't you come up and spank me
There's only one guy in frame...but, who knows how many out of frame? Haha! I think she is saying "Come on, guys, first one to catch me gets to spank me!!!!"
"looks as round and tasty as a peach, but I bet it is sweeter to bite into!"
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