Following on yesterday's sports theme, I've discovered a game that Ron and I have to take up. It's frescobol - a game similar to raquetball, invented in Brazil in 1945. It is played by two or more players, and its primary distinction from other paddle-type sports is that it is played cooperatively; there are no winners or losers.
Just like spanking.
I don't really want to actually play frescobol. I just want the equipment. Can you imagine having all these gorgeous paddles lying around the house?

I am a paddle freak and those are gorgeous. Maybe 3/8 thick, enough to impart a lot of sting.
I have learned to beware pf "pretty" paddles...but they really are pretty! Sara
Gorgeous wood, but they look very painful!
pretty like a rattlesnake....
Umm...Hermione? Paddles HURT!!!!! (They ARE pretty though! xxxx
OBB - That would be a mega-sting!
Sara - Aw, go on, you know you want one!
Meow - I'm sure they are, but I'm still tempted.
K - LOL! "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" came to mind.
Daisy - Yes, they do hurt. That's what spanking is all about, love.
For me 'frescobol' would be one more 'spanking implement', that would befall a naughty lady's bare bottom. And with fervant pleasure.
A toy that can be used both indoors and out, and left in plain site for TTWD.
ohhh i want one of those paddles LOL....they look interesting. Im going to search on amazon today :)
Pass on them thanks but they do look Lovely.
Six - Sounds good to me!
Red - You've described the ideal implement:)
Kiwi - Let us know how they work for you.
Ronnie - Welcome back. They're lovely but you have to be a wood lover to try one.
Oh my! Those are exquisite! Thanks for bringing this healthy new "sport" to our attention. :-)
Season - And thank you for featuring it on your blog!
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