Many of you took time out from celebrating Canada Day and Independence Day to come up with some side-splitting captions!
Simon(e): Unfortunately for Hermione the only thing on Simon's mind was whether he could get that delightful outfit and undies in his size.
Season: "Catch me if you can-can."
Her Toy: You didn't think that the honeymoon was for us, did you? Oh, poor baby...
Kaki: Scarlet says, Oh my, Rhett it seems that I forgot my knickers.
Rhett says, frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn.
Ronnie: Oh Ronald wait, we can't go yet as I've forgotten to put my knickers on, look.
Spankedhortic II: And Marilyn Monroe thought that she was the first one to pull the air vent trick.
Scunge: You've seen London,you've seen France now you see my underpants!
Bobbie Jo: Rhett Butler! You'll have to catch me first before you even THINK of using THAT on me! Not that I mind, of course.
Mindy: "What you see is what you get ... if you manage to lay your hands on me."
Lea: In reply to whatever he asked, she's saying "make me".
Anonymous: "Why don't you come up and spank me sometime?"
Daisychain: There's only one guy in frame...but, who knows how many out of frame? I think she is saying "Come on, guys, first one to catch me gets to spank me!!!!"
Mindset: "looks as round and tasty as a peach, but I bet it is sweeter to bite into!"
Hermione: When he woke up that morning, Charles knew that his visit to the library would be a memorable experience.
Thank you to all who participated. Next week I have something something special planned. Don't miss it!

Please except my apoligy for a late caption Hermoine. Here it is. The gentleman say's "When I catch you 'bloomer girl', I'll take your knicker's down, and I will have a 'spanking good time', on your bare bottom".
Also a late entry, Hermione, but here goes--she says,
"Some gentleman said that my bottom deserved to be spanked. What do YOU think?"
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