We haven't played Guess the Implement for a long time, so here's one for you. I found it in a local thrift shop and it only cost a dollar. I wasn't sure exactly what it was supposed to be, and really didn't think it would pack much of a wallop spanking-wise, but the price was right.
It looks handmade and rustic. The label said it was one of two pieces, but the second piece wasn't attached and no one knew if it was another of the same or something different (like a ball?)
So what do you suppose this is? There are no right or wrong answers because I haven't a clue myself. Let your imagination soar!
8 hours ago
Looks like a racket for a ball game,but I don't know which. Depending on it's size, it could be one snowshoe?
Whatever it is, I do not want it hitting my bottom.
I would also guess an old racket of some type.
No idea, a racket, but I love how it looks! I would've bought that too :)
Guess the Implement a fun addition to your regular mix. I am going to go with racket of some type as the others. But, fun and economical find!
Hermione , my guess it is an Eskimo snow shoe?.
I can't tell how wide it is, but I will guess some type of fish net???
Looks quite old. I don't think it's a racquet but could be wrong. Some sort of net for fishing maybe. Don't really know.
Thanks Hermione.
A wooden frame with netting and a handle. Imagination doesn't kick in until 9:AM.
A dream catcher for Spankos, maybe?
I don't know...perhaps a racket...then again I am not at all into athletics so have no idea...or a fishing net...but wait I don't fish either... :-) terps
You know you can drag a picture into google images and it will look for similar things?!
I first thought a lacrosse racquet. Not sure though. It's a loopy shape, that's enough for me lol
Dee x
I go with some type of fish net.
I'll go along with the majority and vote for a racquet of some sort. I didn't tell you how big it is, but it's about the size of a badminton racquet, with a shorter handle.
I like the snowshoe and dreamcatcher ideas! Very creative.
Julie, I tried your tip, and guess what came up in the search. This blog!
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