For the eighth year running, we spanking bloggers invite all our silent readers to come out of the shadows and leave a comment. Thanks to Bonnie at My Bottom Smarts, the spanko community has united in its efforts to encourage our shy lurkers to speak up.
All blogs have more visitors than commenters. Each and every one of us started out as a silent reader. We know you're out there, reading and enjoying, and maybe wishing you could be part of the fun. Today is your chance to take the plunge and leave a comment. You may remain anonymous if you wish, or give yourself a wacky screen name.
What should you say? "Hello" is fine. But here's an idea. I would welcome any and all suggestions on how to improve this blog. What features do you like best? Which ones do you like least? What would you like to see more (or less) of? What can I do to improve Hermione's Heart?
Don't be shy. No one's going to spank you (unless you want them to!)
Be sure to visit My Bottom Smarts to see who else is participating today.

Happy LOL day Hermione!
Happy LOL day. I always read Hermione, but rarely comment, sorry.
Never a lurker. One of my first stops of the day.
I love LOL day. Have a fun one.
Happy LOL Day Hermione!
I'm a lurker here for sure, but I'm here every day. Maybe I do need a spanking.
Happy LOL Day Hermione! I always enjoy visiting here:)
Happy LOL day! I don't comment often but I always like to stop by and read.
Happy LOL day.
Wish I had the time to comment here more often, love your content. Happy LOL day.
Not a lurker here either. The crazy things you find online always crack me up.
My favorite comment from you was that you were happy to work as a house elf with the blogroll for Bonnie. :)
Have a good one! I like the cat pic. :)
I love this blog and come here often and sometimes comment too :)
Happy LOL Day Hermione!
# MrBBSpanker
A very happy LOL Day to you, Hermione. I stop by pretty often but rarely say hello - shame on me! Cute kitties, too, and a lovely way to illustrate the theme. :)
Hi Hermione,
I saw your comment on my site and it's the same for me. I don't think I've once commented but am guilty of lurking. I promise to speak up going forward!
Happy LOL Day,
Happy LOL Day Hermione! Hope your LOL Day includes a red bum.
Happy LOL Day Hermione! Your posts are always quite varied and there's continuing stories, constant themes like Friday fails, filling in caption pictures and even spanking experiences of your own. No one would ever accuse this blog of being boring!
Not really a lurker but I do often stop by without commenting. Happy days.
Happy LOL day, to one of the first blogs I ever started reading and commenting on! :-) Hugs
Happy LOL day
Boy, do I love the pictures.
I'm no lurker anymore and thanks to you my blog looks great.
Thanks for all the help and I'll be back again in the morning for my daily fix. After all tomorrow is Wednesday Win's
See you then.
not really a lurker - more a rare commenter ... (cheeky grin) sort of like a rare gem????
Happy LOL day Hermoine
Happy lol day
Crazy to believe it's been 8 years, huh?
Happy LOL Day Hermoine! Thanks for all you contribute to this community!
-Clint and Chelsea
Learning Domestic Discipline
Happy LOL day Hermione
Hi Hermoine,
I've been lurking for a long time and just wanted to say how much your blog makes me smile.
Thanks for writing.
Happy LOL day Hermoine. I love all the different themes you use.
hugs abby
Not a lurker, but I love all the topics you have for the posts, im always excited to read! Happy LOL DAY!
Happy LOL day.... love ou blog. xoxo
Happy LOL day, Hermoine.
Mona Lisa.
Happy LOL Day, Hermione :)
Happy LoL Day! Eight years, wow. I didn't realize it had been going on for that long.
Happy LOL Day, Hermoine! I hope you celebrate many, many more! :D
This is like Christmas! Happy LOL DAy, Hermione.
Happy LoL Day! I don't comment often but always look forward to reading.
Hi Hermione, I lurk here quite a bit. I know I should take the time to say Hi, I offer no excuses, cause I have none.
All the best from us to you
Happy LOL Day, Hermione!! :) I always love reading here! Many hugs,
<3 Katie
Hi Hermione and Happy LOL day! Thanks for everything you do here in blogland.
As always, happy to be a part of this with you! Happy LOL Day, Hermione. :-)
Happy LOL Day, Hermione. I like when you tell us personal stories of you and Ron, the funny pictures especially the Walmartians, and the spanking stories. Yours is one of the few that I have to read everyday.
Happy lol day honey, I lurk a lot on your blog and love to read here :)
Hugs x
Happy LOL Day! I absolutely love your blog. This time a year ago I was still a lurker but this community has been so incredibly welcoming!
Happy LOL Day, Hermione!!
I love the kitties!!
I'm a sucker for baby animals
Hi, Hermione!
If I really had to pick a favorite type of post, it would be the "Top Shelf" posts I guess :)!
Happy LoL Day
Hi! I just found your blog today! I plan to be a lurker at times and commenter other times... Happy LOL Day!
Hi Hermione,
Wow! Another LOL Day! I remember lurking on your blog, afraid to be seen and now we chat quite regularly. I always enjoy dropping by to see what you are up to.
So many bloggers have fallen by the wayside over the years so it's good to know you are still here.
Happy LOL Day!
Hi Hermione, love the pictures hope your day has been great
love Jan.xx
Hi Hermione, I'm always popping by, especially on Wednesdays and Fridays because I'm guaranteed a smile on those days, and most others too. Love your stories too.
Happy LOL Day, Hermione! :)
Happy LOL 8 day!
Been lurking here for a long time now and just wanted to actually leave a comment! <3
Hi Hermione,
Happy LOL day from Australia. Please, more of the slightly dark humour..your Friday fails keep me laughing all day
Happy LOL day Hermione!
I comment periodically but lurk the rest of the time.
Thanks for all you do for our community!
Happy LOL Day! I would probably still be a lurker if it wasn't for blogs like yours. I had to comment and then I wasn't a lurker anymore. Then there were the questions I had. Pretty soon I was blogging
Thank you to my Canadian spanking friend Hermione. It has always been a pleasure all these years to visit your fine 'spanko', blog. Especially when its 'caption time'. Best wishes to you and your hubby forever more.
I love
lol day! Seems to bring out the whole community!
Read all the time, but rarely comment. Nice to meet you! lol
I am a sometimes lurker but always enjoy reading here. I always love to read the "captions". So clever! Happy LOL day. Looks like you have had a great turnout. :-)
Hey Hermione! I'm always reading, but Friday Fail is -- cracks me up. And I appreciate that!
Happy LOL Day!
Happy LOL Day! I love your kitty picture! I would love it if you would add the email follow that blogspot has now. I can't keep track of all the blogs that I want to follow without it & I would love to subscribe that way!!
Happy LOL Day! I love your kitty picture! I would love it if you would add the email follow that blogspot has now. I can't keep track of all the blogs that I want to follow without it & I would love to subscribe that way!!
Happy LOL Hermoine! :D
I'm more of a reader here than a comment-leaver....thanks for coming to say "hello" today.
I still read everything you post!
Hi Hermione-
Happy LOL day! Your posts always bring a smile to my face, though I've been awful with commenting. I'll need to work on that!
Hermione, Happy LOL day. I love your blog and although I don't comment a lot (I can never think of anything interesting to say about the captions :-( I read it all!
LOVE the kitty pics!
Happy LOL Day
Hi Hermione. Just found your blog and looking forward to reading. Happy LOL day.
Guilty as 'charged' it has been so long since I have commented here, I am back to lurker status!
Hope you had a great day. I know it was a busy one for you!
Happy LOL day and thanks for stopping by my blog and sorry I don't comment on yours more often. I always enjoy your posts.
Happy LOL day and thanks for stopping by my blog and sorry I don't comment on yours more often. I always enjoy your posts.
Hi Hermione
Of course it is a spanking offense, what isn't hehe :):) but when you have so many followers you can not get around to everyone. I am quite happy to know you are there.
Best wishes
Love your blog. I don't tell you often enough. Happy LOL day!!!
ALWAYS read here and have for quite a while...even in my spastic how did I get here days....and how do I get back. You do a great job with blogging!
Hi Hermione! Happy LOL Day! The picture of the cane looks scary! I'm glad Emily is the one facing it :-)
I should have said, I'm glad Emily is the one facing it, not me!
Happy LOL Day, Hermione!
First time here for me, but I can see I've got a LOT of reading to catch up on:)
Happy LOL Day! I love all of your features from wins to fails, personal stories to captioning the picture, so no suggestions here. Keep doing what you're doing!
Your blog is always my first visit of the day, like prime time tv, it's a must.
Kind regards,
I really enjoy your blog. Happy LOL Day!
Hi Hermione -
I truly enjoy your blog and just wish I had more time to keep up with all your posts on a timely basis.
Would love to know what you think of some of my stories.
Again love your blog and use it as jumping off point to other blogs. Happy LOL Day!
TL Bucko - Yay! My first LOL day comment.
Janey - I'm pleased to meet you.
Ronnie - No one could call you a lurker, dear friend. You never fail to leave an upbeat message.
Callie - Thank you.
Elis - I hope that spanking can be arranged soon.
Roz - I always enjoy your comments.
Kim - Thanks for dropping by.
Joey - Thanks you and the same to you.
Prefectdt - Time pressure is a problem for us all. I understand.
Ana - Lucky for e the internet is full of crazy things. I had forgotten that "house elf" comment. Thank you for reminding me.
Peach - Thanks. I like kittehs too, as you may have guessed.
DJ Black - Thank you. Do come again.
MrBB - I'm so glad to know you are a visitor.
Underling - Yes, shame on you. Bend over!
Natasha - Now we both have promises to keep!
Michael - It did - from sitting at the computer, visiting and leaving LOL day comments for hours:)
Foothills - Thanks for the feedback. It's good to know what you think.
Michael M - Thanks for stopping by.
Terps - Wow! That's quite an honour.
Fred - Thank you.
Leigh - It's always my pleasure to help you in any way I can.
Morningstar - I think of you as a star sapphire:)
Rose - Thank you.
Clint and Chelsea - Time sure flies when you're having fun!
Bob - Thank you.
Aurora - It's good to finally meet you.
Abby - Glad to hear it.
Kenzie - Thank you; you're too kind.
OFG - Thanks.
Mona Lisa - Thank you.
Riley - It's good to see you here.
Kipling - I love your name. Kipling was an early favourite of mine.
Christina - So do I.
Rollin - It is like Christmas, with all these comments like lovely gifts.
Chickadee - Come back soon!
Faerie - I'm glad you came out of the shadows today.
OBB - Thank you, and like wise.
Katie - I'm glad to hear that.
Zoe - It's always my pleasure.
Erica - The feeling is mutual.
Kaki - Wow! That's high praise indeed. Thank you.
Missy - You're always welcome here.
Tricia - We really are a very friendly group.
Katherine - So am I.
Chross - Thanks for that. I enjoy finding new material.
Sassy - Please do come back as often as you can.
A. Lurker - I love you captions; they're always so clever.
Jan - It's been busy, but fun.
DelFonte - I look forward to your visits.
Grace - Thank you!
mouse - I had no idea you visited me. You've been as quiet as a ...!
Don - I'll do my best.
Fiona - It's always my pleasure to do my bit.
Blondie - It just snowballed! It happened for me in pretty much the same way.
Six - thank you for your faithful contributions to this blog's success.
Julia - Everyone's out visiting today.
SweetPea - Nice to meet you too!
*Bonnie* - It's been pretty busy here today.
Rogue - So glad to hear you like that feature. It's my favourite.
Corinne - Thanks for the suggestion. It's been added.
Geekie kitty - Thank you.
Bleuame - My pleasure.
Grace - That's so nice to know.
Kia - Your smile is reward enough, but feel free to comment if you wish.
George - I'm so glad you are one of my regulars.
RedRump - Who doesn't like a kitteh?
Mellie - Welcome! Please do come back any time.
Wilma - Very busy but loads of fun.
FD - Thanks you for the feedback.
Bob B - LOL Any excuse for a spanking.
Sarah - Thank you:)
Minelle - You are one of my cherished regulars.
Cygnet - Me too!
Trent - Welcome!
Lea - Glad to hear I'm doing it right!
Gary - You mean I'm right up there with Eastenders and Corrie?
Enzo - I promise I'll take a look and give you some feedback.
Hi Hermione! Happy belated LOL day. Yeah, I suppose I do lurk a lot but every once in a while you put up a post that squeezes a comment out of my early morning brain. :)
Hi there Hermione ... so nice to read your comment at my blog, thank you ........... MarQe x
CHEEKY !!!! I said prime time not waste of time....wink.
Happy belated LOL Day!
Susie - I'm glad you joined the party.
MarQe - Thanks for stopping by.
Gary - LOL! I have to agree, the Corrie story lines are pretty lame at the mo.
Dana - Thank you!
Happy LOL Week! Yes, I insist on making it a whole week--especially since I'm usually late when it comes to the actual day!
Hugs and spanks,
Dr. Ken
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