Simon: Mrs Brown was getting annoyed, now she had Dick Van Dyke, Santa and for some reason a naked witch all stuck in her chimney.
Six of the best: The witches' brew, from William Shakespeare. "When shall we three meet again, in thunder, lightning or in rain".
Michael: Wicked Witch Willow wasted no time after Halloween in setting a trap for Santa Claus. Of course her apprentices, Witchette Saffron and Witchette Cassandra, did all the dirty work in the chimney, and as we all know apprentice witches must earn their witch shrouds so remain nude until they do so.
Rollin: Alice, pull Phoebe out of there at once. I've told her a million times not to use my flying broom to clean the chimney!
Bonnie: The original flue shot.
Ronnie: Come back, you're not leaving me here with this old witch.
Vfrat25000: Francine I’m home! Francine, why is there a naked lady stuck in our chimney with another naked lady trying to pull her out. Never mind I don’t want to know. What’s for dinner?
I think we finally determined why the night cleaning staff never seemed to get all their work done.
The three Charlie’s Angels investigate a case before they became famous.
The Boykin Sisters searched for days and never found the location of the central heating and air conditioning thermostat.
When the whole Fairy Godmother/Pumpkin Coach/Rats changing into horses thing didn’t work out Cinderella managed to escape through the chimney but her two stepsisters were not far behind
Mother Kardashian and two of her daughters relax between filming episodes of their new reality show.
Prefectdt: This was the scene that they had to cut from "Sabrina The Teenage Witch" series.
Baxter: Is it Christmas already? Wow, thanks for the naked women, Santa.
Ricky: Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. Toto, wait for me!
Leigh Smith: Quick, get up that chimney.
Tex: The Brats were hung by the chimney with care... in hopes that St. Switch-a-Lass soon would be there!
A. Lurker: "Double, double toil and trouble. Get out of that chimney on the double." ... apologies to Shakespeare
Maybe if we get the chimney sparkling clean for him, Santa will take us off his naughty list.
One Flue Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Mary Poppins and the chimney sweep - deleted scene
Hermione: George knew his hoarding was out of control when he ran out of room for his naked woman collection.
Thanks for a wild and crazy weekend. See you next time!

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