Simon: The proposed new uniform for the Irish Navy did not meet with universal approval.
Anon: Spank me I'm a Irish!
Bogey: I can only think what would be in store for her, if I caught her.
Anon2: Finding her was so much better then finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Ronnie: Mary's Irish eyes wont be smiling after her spanking or maybe they will.
Sunny Girl: Oh, what a beautiful morning, I wonder what's in store for me.
Rollin: Aye captain, I put on me wee shorts like you commanded. Now where's this gunner's daughter I'm supposed to kiss?
DelFonte: Niamh was relieved the photo session was in Florida and she was not freezing her butt off in Ireland.
Nina: Let's make a race. You give me 200 quid. If you catch me, you get your money and may spank me. If not, thank you!
Ricky: Whassa matter with you all? We're not Irish . . . We're Italiano!!! Viva la spaghetti and all 'da meatballs!
Vfrat25000: It’s amazing what a little Photoshop work can do with a photo of Hillary Clinton’s last visit to Ireland
Would somebody please tell Betty we are in Italy not Ireland.
Photo Shoot: Take 117 (I think maybe the photographer is not finishing this session on purpose! Ya think?)
The new Ambassador to Ireland certainly is making an impression on the Irish population!
Husband: Oh my goodness would I LOVE to spank that!
Wife: Sure, he wants to spank her. I can’t get him to look at my bottom!
Husband: Sweetie, let’s go back to the hotel room. You and I need to talk about your behavior!
Wife: Happy Days!
May I take this opportunity introduce you to Admiral Darcy of the Irish Maritime Force.
One question: Where do I enlist?
Mitch: Aye, mate, me bottom sez top o' da mornin' to ya.
Hermione: Esmerelda contemplated the problem of swimming across the bay while keeping the flag dry.
Thanks to all who contributed. Please stay and enjoy brunch with us a little later today.

1 comment:
I missed this caption thing. But here is my thought.
young lady, you are out of uniform and when i get done spanking you, your bottom will be as orange as the other color on your flag
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