If it might touch your bum, we want it to be really clean.
a spray per day keeps the scrubbing away
See the little drawing of a bum? How cute! But a bit puzzling. You see, the bottle had contained shower spray; you know, the stuff you spray on your walls after showering. It magically removes soap scum so you don't need to scrub the walls. But how does a bum come in contact with shower walls? My shower is roomy enough that I rarely, if ever, find my bum in contact with a wall. Maybe they meant for showers that come with built-in seats. Or maybe for those folks who shower with a friend, wall-bum contact is a lot more common.
You know, this might be useful to spray our implements with after use, so that they're squeaky clean. After all, if it touches my bum, I want it to be really clean.

I agree -
LoL Hermoine, love it! Great idea spraying spanking implements. Not sure they envisioned such an alternative use for shower spray lol
I like that message, I want this on my spray bottle, too, because it would increase my enthusiasm when I have to clean the shower walls again.
Hi Hermione, wht a thing to read on a bottle, wouldn't happen here. Handy for the toy box though
love Jan,xx
Sunny - I'm glad :)
Roz - That's thinking outside the box... er, bottle.
Nina - Yes, I find it very motivating too.
Jan - I was quite surprised to read it.
LOL Hermione...good point! It was always my responsibility to clean our implements...including keeping the leather moist and supple.
Have to admit I am very surprised to see it on a cleaning bottle.
Hugs and Blessings...
What a funny message to have on the bottle. Does Ron need a new spray bottle to use for your wet spankings?:)
LOL I thought for sure that wasn't a tooshie! All my sprays have a different saying and a different picture. So yeah, it's exactly what it looks like :-)
Cat - I would do a good job on wood and plastic, but not so sure it's safe for leather.
Ronnie - Ah, now there's topic for a post! And a very good suggestion for the empty bottle.
Chickadee - I'll have to check out more bottles of this stuff the next time I go shopping.
I can only surmise it's for dildoes and butt plugs. Or one could just use condoms...
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