Rollin: "Anybody ever tell you you look like Marilyn Monroe? Say, could you untie my hands from this post?"
Nina: I love when you wear my clothes!
DelFonte: That's one helluva belt you're wearing!
Leigh: I'm doing my best to keep my hands off you. I don't know how much longer i can stand it.
Ricky: He: I love you, kid!
She: Do you really love me, or just want me? It really doesn't matter, because I want you!
Mandy: Hmm, should I leave him here for one hour or two? I think two would work, that shop is awfully far away.
Welcome, Mandy!
Arched one: He: We will go to your home, you will strip to your panties, then lay across my lap for a good long spanking.
She: that sounds wonderful but it will be you stripping to your panties then laying across my lap for a good long spanking.
Sir Wendel: Hang on a sec. I’ve got something stuck in my teeth.
Vfrat25000: Hey Tammy, what color panties are you wearing?
How dare you, you pervert!
OK, OK, you’re right I shouldn’t have asked that! Are they bikini, thong or granny panties? Now is that better?
If you are willing to cooperate, I think I can get you a starring role with a movie production company called Punished Brats
Really… Super cool… What kind of part will I get?
My name is Captain Kirk. I command a really big space ship! Have you ever been teleported?
Hey Bobbie Sue, I just bought an Edsel. Now tell me you’re not impressed!
Betty Jean takes the walk of shame after a long night of partying with the entire Purdue Marching Band and Color Guard.
June Cleaver quickly realized her off-screen love interest in Eddie Haskell was a big mistake.
Hermione: Let's go parking tonight up on Spanking Point. You know you want to.
Well, that was fun! For even more fun, stay tuned for our weekly brunch, coming up next.

How did I miss it this week:)
I told you if you tried that move again I'd tie you up.
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