It's the Orvis fly swatter, and according to their website, it's "a conversation piece you'll actually use" although they don't know how we'll use it (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean?) This Italian bridle leather flyswatter with a handmade American oak handle can be personalized with the spankee's name, or with a suitable slogan. Order it here if you dare.
Another option is the Sweet Swat extendable fly swatter. I saw this in the gift section of a card shop and when I saw the slogan "Hit the spot every time" above the display, I just had to buy one. The handle just above the white label extends two feet, so no fly—or bottom—is out of reach. They come in a variety of colours, so I chose purple, to match our riding crop. Double ouch! You can order one here.

I think I will pass on both...they both look ouchie to me :-) Hugs
Urgh, fly swatters are nasty. Terpsichore said ouchie, and I second that.
I looked up whether they are available in Europe too.
They are, so my next step is to delete the amazon search history, just to make sure that hubby does not order one of those.
Nevertheless, thank you for the shopping ideas, because somehow it is always exciting to be spanked with new implements.
Ooh yes, they look ouchie to me abd think I'll pass too :)
Thanks for the heads up. I love the Orvis one and checked it out but the price is hard to take. I fear it would be taken out of my hide if I purchased.
Nope. I am not a fly. Yikes
Good idea Hermione but not for me. Tried one when we were on holiday.
I just bought Master a new bottom is not ready for another ouchie toy...but i love the idea. Thanks
hugs abby
Hi Hermione, they both look a bit too painful for my liking, especially that first one!
love Jan,xx
LOL Hermione...thanks for the giggles. ;)
Hugs and Blessings...
Haha, I actually clicked on it, thinking I usually "enjoy" leather implements, but its $69! I don't like leather implements that much, lol!
Ouchie? Isn't a spanking suppose to be ouchie? You are all right they are ouchie I say that from personal experience. we have two fly swatters one with a plastic handle and one with a wire handle. Both take care of the "seat" of the problem. R tells me I start wiggling my bottom faster than when she uses the belt.
Terps - They sure do!
Nina - I hope you successfully removed all traces of your search.
Roz - The leather one would deliver a zing.
Leigh - Pretty expensive, but maybe worth it.
Rose - I'm sure you aren't.
Ronnie - I hope you washed it first :)
abby - Congratulations on your purchase. Let us know how it works for you.
Jan - The leather one does look fierce.
Cat - My pleasure.
Julia - That's a lot to pay for a fly swatter.
arched one - I'm happy to hear they are so effective on you.
Wonderful ideas, but the leather one costs $65, so I wil try to find the latter
bottoms up
Both look fun! I love implements that could have legitimate vanilla uses if found outside the play bag!
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