arched one: Once we are alone my bottom will be bare and you will be kissing it.
Leigh: I'm in heaven - cheek to cheek and we're not even dancing yet.
Enzo: Awww....pure bliss!
King Marshal: Wonder if I could take this idea to Shark Tank?
Natasha: Now that is a happy, content and lucky man!
Six of the best: The man says, "If I had such a pillow each night of my life, I would hear the angels singing me sweet dreams.
Minelle: "Just a little more to the left. Ahh - the perfect spot!"
Ronnie: A perfect end to a perfect evening.
Baxter: Mmmm, this bottom feels warm, wonder if she was just spanked.
Vfrat25000: Genius…You have your head on one of the Kardashian women…I’m over here!
It happened again…Another guy has managed to accidently super glue himself to a woman’s butt!
I think I can hear the ocean!
Pregnancy is such a miracle of nature!
I’m going to guess you are NOT a Doctor!
Hey Buddy...Get your head off my ass I’m trying to watch the game! This happens every time I dress for Monday Night Football.
Katie: "I'm a little behind in my sleep!"
Hermione: George's narcolepsy attacks happened at the most inopportune times.
Please stay and have brunch with us. We'll be discussing a very important and timely issue in a few hours.

1 comment:
Dancing cheek to cheek .
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