Giant Tiger is a Canadian discount store, similar to Walmart but much smaller. It carries a wide variety of products - clothing, shoes, groceries, toys, cosmetics, gardening supplies and much more. But I didn't know they provide services as well.
"Beating? Yes Ma'am. We do beatings in that room over there. And will it be for yourself or for your companion?"
Talk about a full-service store.
And then there is the discount grocery store, No Frills. It is a very plain sort of store, no fancy fixtures so it looks like a giant warehouse, but the prices are good. Sometimes there is an in-store pharmacy as well as a dollar store section with assorted cheap merchandise.
Not only don't they provide beatings, but they do not allow themselves (or their employees, I imagine) to indulge in this sort of activity.
So, all things considered, where would you shop?

LoL Hermoine, let me think on which store I would prefer for a minute :) Funny what we see through spanko eyes isn't it lol
Well I would suppose it would depend on the day!
Giant Tiger isn't far from me, I never really paid attention to see if the cashier winked when asking if we 'found what we were looking for today".
As I responded to Red's post in Consensualspanking today, I would rather a spanking than have to go shopping. So yes, would like a store where my wife can go shopping and I can go in a room and have a woman give me a good spanking. I am sure my wife would appreciate someone else dealing with me. LOL
Hi Hermione, I think I'd choose Giant Tiger. Sounds like a nice offer, and they have fruit. :)
I love how your spanko side spots things. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Giant Tiger for me.
Very cool adverts.
It is quite amazing how spanksters find spanking in so many things. I choose Giant Tiger, obviously
Thanks for the smile
bottoms up
Giant Tiger
Funny how you notice spanking things others totally wouldn't second glance at.
Giant Tiger of course.
I wonder if they are hiring for that department.
Thanks for sharing the fun ads...amazing how a spanko mind works. ;)
Hugs and blessings...Cat
Sounds like a good store. We could go shopping, she could turn me over to them for spanking while she shops then pick me up later. I wonder what implements they use.
Hi Hermione,
In this day of corporate mergers and take-overs, I wonder what would happen if these 2 stores merged? Would Giant Tiger be the dominate partner? Would No Frills consent to a merger or would it be a forced merger? Lots to think on! :-)
I think it's a toss-up. they both have great prices, but No Frills is closer to us and has more parking. On the other hand, it would be fun to loiter outside that back room at Giant Tiger and listen.
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