This week we found out what the spanker says to indicate a spanking is over.
Steve Redbottom: Our spankings always follow the same formula, so you always know when they're over.
abby: When he is just taking a break, there will be a little rubbing and maybe a quick 'check' to see if i am enjoying it at all. When it is over His fingers usually do a lot more roaming and He moves us on to other things:). I very rarely get a say...He will sometimes ask if i want or need more.
Downunder Don: Mundane as it sounds, it is always the words "Is that enough?"
Nina: Hi Hermione, it depends on the situation, if it is punishment I usually have corner time, so when I am told to go there, it is. When it is another kind of spanking hubby often tells me how many I get with the last implement and I count the strokes. Afterwards he tells me to stand and we hug and I get a lot of reassurance from his side, verbal and physical. So, then the spanking is definitely over.
Six of the best: I agree with Nina. If it is a punishment spanking only the dominant partner has a say. If it is for pleasure both parties would have to agree.
Baxter: The way it has been trending lately, my wife (spanker) says my bottom is very red and blotchy and thinks that is enough. I tend to agree, but sometimes wiggle my bottom, and she will give me several more hard spanks. But it is the spanker, not the spankee that has the last word.
Ronnie: Normally if P's taking a break, he rubs and smooths my bottom and his fingers might wander and tease.
When the spanking is totally finished it varies what he says or does depending on the type of spanking I was getting.
Hermione: Ron's final words to me are usually either "It's over" or You're done". Once in while he says "My turn" which doesn't mean he wants to be spanked, but that he wants an intimate reward for all his hard work.
Thank you all for your responses. Please come back next week for another thought-provoking question.

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