Dan: Hi Hermione. I don't have a specific topic to highlight, but congratulations on the milestone!
Fred: 100 - Fantastic. Which gets me thinking about spankings and how many smacks do you like or can endure?
Anon 1: How about an offshoot to 91 where the question concerned friends, relatives, colleagues you suspected were spankos.
I'd like to know from the spankees or spankers if this info was relayed to them, if spankees ever did anything afterwards in public (reacting when sitting, too much rubbing, etc) which was inadvertently witnessed, and how did they explain it away.
My recent spankee found herself rubbing her behind while pumping gas about an hour later, but was glad it was after dark, and no one was around, but for a minute, she wasn't sure. She was careful after that to make sure rubbing she did next 2 days was in private restrooms.
Roz: Wow, 100 already! Congratulations on the milestone Hermoine! :)
Meredith: I read always the questions, but do not write. Congratulations!
Sir Wendel: Congrats Hermione!!! I don’t always comment but I enjoy them all. Here’s to 100 more brunches.
Lindy: Congratulations Hermione on your 100th brunch.
Jan: Hermione, congratulations on the 100th brunch!
Anon 2: A great century. To commemorate it, why not present you delectable bottom to your other half for one hundred juicy spanks, and then take a selfie of the results to post next time ?
Bogey: The topic I would like to see discussed in depth is why are women so reluctant to spank men. This could only be discussed on a blog like this where there are plentiful female readers.
I have some ideas, but I have no idea if they are the real ones.
Destroying her image of the man as the dominate
Social conditioning
Reluctance to hurt him
Fear of being perceived as “bitchy”
Afraid he will resist
No practice in leading
Just not in the DNA
Nina: Hi Hermione, congratulations on 100th brunch. I have no favourite, but like the food for thought you give us with them. Thank you and here's to the next 100.
Arched one: I read your blog daily and never miss a brunch. They are all great and I couldn't pick a favorite topic all are good. I do like the one comment on women spanking me probably because my wife spanks me.
Six of the best: Hermione, congratulations on your 100th Spanko Brunch. They all have been most appetizing, because I would have loved to eat them all. This weekend I saw the movie, "50 Shades of Grey ", on TV HOME BOX OFFICE. And I LOVED it/ They say never judge a book by its cover, or never judge a movie by its critics. What other spanking movies have other 'Spanko's loved, and why, would be a good topic for discussion. Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends, in this season to be jolly.
Ronnie: Always love Spanko Brunch. No real favourite.
Congratulations on the 100th brunch.
Enzo: Hi Hermione, congratulations on the 100th brunch! and thank you for keeping this brunch idea going form Bonnie. Overall I think it is a great idea to get readers talking.
I have not particular favorite although I am ever interested in demographics. For some reason I feel like the majority of spankers are older than I am and somehow I may have been born too late (despite the 50SOG flash popularity).
Minelle: Always read! Congratulations on 100!!
I like the ideas you always have....
Bonnie: Happy 100, Hermione! The first hundred are the hardest. You have real momentum now.
Thanks for taking over our community forum. I know for many readers, these brunches provide their first chance to exchange thoughts with experienced spankos. Even for those who just lurk, it's an excellent learning opportunity. In that spirit, I suggest topics that allow our novices to acquire new ideas and new inspirations from those who have done this thing a time or two.
Ella: Just this weekend I found a Japanese rice paddle at an antique store. I am always self-conscious now when I purchase something like that. Do they know why I chose that particular item? Always in a hurry to leave.
Happy Brunch Birthday, Hermione! Thanks for all the great reading.
Hermione: Thank you all for the good wishes and the great ideas. You will be seeing your suggestions as future topics for our weekend spanko brunches. (Sorry, no selfies!)

Many CONGRATS on the 100 brunches, Hermione!!! That's wonderful! :)
Though I don't always get to respond, I do try to go by and give them a read as much as possible. Thank you for all that you do, in keeping with the spirit of the fun thing that Bonnie started, and you so graciously have kept going. LOVE it! Many hugs,
<3 Katie
Congratulations on 101 since I missed the 100. Thanks for picking up the slack left when Bonnie retired. You're a trooper.
happy 100th brunch! :-) Hugs
Congratulations on 100!.
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