Welcome, one and all, to our regular weekend brunch. It's that time again, when homes are decorated with pumpkins and bats, and children go from house to house demanding
What Hallowe'en costume can you think of that is most likely to get you spanked? What costume would you love to see your favourite spankee wearing?
Let your imaginations run wild! Leave your reply as a comment, and once everyone has had a chance to speak I will publish a summary of our discussion.

If my favorite spankee were to wear a cheerleader uniform, I'd be smiling and have her over my knee SO fast..... :-)
I'd want to spank Cinderella.
We dressed as pirates many years ago and gave each other a good spanking with the belt for disobeying the captain.
Hi Hermione, I think a costume that shows too much skin in public would be a sure bet to get a spanking from hubby. Happy Halloween.
Hi Hermoine, I think any costume that is tight around the butt would do the trick :) Rick and I joked about this this afternoon and we thought a nun costume, purely because of the naughtiness of it lol.
I'd go for a skin tight black satin dress, it's skirt too tight to pull up, but hugging every dimple of my ripe bottom, and nothing underneath, black stockings, spike heels, a witch's hat, but instead of a witches broom , a black paddle. Going round the party, it would not be "Trick or treat ?" but "Palm or paddle ?" for which I would either bend over a lap or touch my toes, for a few nice smacks. By the time I got home with D, the wicked witch would be offering him a rosy red bottom on which to finish the evenings fun. S
In my case, we talking about a man who feels the need to spank because he likes the way my jeans fit. We didn't get to dress up this year due to other obligations, but past favorites include the cheerleader (or course) and a she-devil (with a red leotard, matching dance tights, horns, and a cute tail). In each case, I arrived at a vanilla party with a fresh glow. I received more of the same upon our return home.
Halloween might just be the kinkiest holiday on the calendar.
Something tight around the bottom would do it. A she devil costume or a maids outfit, a skirt that's short enough to show my knickers.
The French maid is likely to get spanked. If there were a costume for the college professor and coed, that could get the coed spanked, too. Naughty office girl could get a few, too.
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