This week we discussed talking about spanking with your partner.
Jan: Hi Hermione, yes we talk about it often and often in code when we are out and about! No problems here.
Roz: Talking about spanking has never been a problem, we talk about it often, or at least used to. Probably mostly instigated by me.
Leigh: Yes, as Roz said, talking has never been the problem. Doing is the problem.
abby: Yes we talk freely about it,,,and also sometimes a messages gets passed just with a 'look'. We both initiate.
Minelle: Yes, we talk about it. However I think we come at it differently! He doesn't give a wit about analyzing it or reading or thinking about it! Now me.... I want to talk about it all!
Dr.Ken: I can't really comment on this one, as I haven't had a partner for many years. When I did, we would freely talk about it--along with everything else, for that matter!
Lindy: We talk about it often Hermione. Probably I bring up the topic and then we go from there.
Baxter: both of us bring it up that one of us needs a spanking. Sometimes we don't follow through.
Ella: In the beginning, it felt awkward, and I was doing the initiating. We talk about it often now, and Sam brings it up, too. It is a part of us now, just like sex. However, it is intimate like sex, too.
I am with Minelle. Seems I often want to analyze it, especially the "why." Sam does like for me to read to him. If I come across something that speaks to me, I print it off. We will sit together when we both get home from work and the post or story or article will spark a discussion.
Good Question, Hermione!
Eric51Amy49: We are still new enough that I'm shy about talking about it but Eric initiates the conversation regularly. I want him to "do" it. He wants me to tell him he's "doing it" right or in a way that works for me. Lately, we've discovered I'll say a lot more if we are on the phone.
Thanks for this one, Hermione. It's nice to read that open communication about spanking could be in our future.
Anon: No time for talking, when a shapely bottom is bent across one's knees. Action is better than words!
Ronnie: Yes we talk about it often. We both initiate.
Anna: I am a wife who disciplines her husband. We speak of it often and sometimes with children about. The more we have made this a part of our talks, especially late at night for us.
Welcome Anna!
Jack: Spanking is not a big part of our lives. We talk about it some, as I find it erotic to deliver a spanking to my wife, but she does not find it erotic. So we have a vanilla marriage - although with a little topping on it every now and then. If we talk about it, I initiate it.
Thus was a good question - and great answers. Love your blog.
Sir Wendel: Talking about it usually ends with one us getting a spanking. So we talk often.
Hermione: At one time I was very reluctant to talk about "it" and felt shy about bringing up the subject. Then I got past that stage and very much wanted to discuss it. Now we have reached the point where it's not necessary to discuss spanking. We just do it!
Thank you to everyone who joined in the discussion this week.

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