sam: Our newest addition is a small wooden cutting board. When i was in junior high, I made it for my Mom. My wife was visiting my Mom last month and commented of the cutting board. My Mom insisted that my wife take it home. It stands now on the sideboard of our kitchen. We dont use it to cut bread. It is used however weekly by my wife, for our discipline session. Ah if Mom only knew how proud she would be!
Roz: Our most recent addition (a while ago now) was a flogger. Unfortunately it is now broken lol.
Sir Wendel: I bought a set of wooden spoons and the misses picked up another belt.
Michael M: The most recent item purchased is a serious cane from Quality Control. Not at all whippy and it bends into only a slight curve.It's use is supposed to bring me into line with a proper punishment session. It has not had an outing as yet. I am nervously looking forward to receiving a thrashing.
Leigh: A snappy little fly swatter, a handmade wooden paddle and a silicone spatula with hearts - all gifts compliments of my 'friends' on our recent visit to Florida. With friends like this, I have no need of buying any new implements with friends around.
Wilma: Honestly we have TOO many implements~ though a rattan cane broke and thankfully has not been replaced yet. I think the last implement Barney bought was a quirt last year at a Saddlery Store. It has its moments. Depending on his mood it can cause quite a sting, especially if it wraps around to my hip, which it often does. Mostly though I am used to it, so he goes back to his old standbys, the lexan cane and rubber paddle. I can't seem to 'get used' to those!
Ronnie: Recently I was given 3 wooden spoons and a silicone one. The silicone spoon we haven't tried yet. Of the three wooden spoons P likes the long handle one and has decided it's definitely a keeper. Me, I hate it.
Yorkie: The most recent implement I bought was a long-handled bath brush as I have always wanted to try one. Most of the time it's used in the shower for scrubbing my back but we've used it on our wedding anniversary weekend away. I must say I found it to be absolutely divine. I love my wooden implements. :) Had a sore bottom for a few days. My wife is quite the spanker.
Hermione: Our two latest implements both arrived at the same time. One is a black leather paddle shaped like a hand. It is quite a mild implement and fun for a warmup. the other is a leather fly swatter. I didn't realize it when I ordered it, but the leather flapper has smooth round metal studs embedded in it. They are for weight, I assume, but they make an innocent fly swatter look rather formidable so we haven't tried it yet.
Thank you to everyone who joined us in this interesting brunch.

1 comment:
Happy belated Thanksgiving, Hermione! Hope you had a good one. =)
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