Many of us realized our interest in spanking at a very early age. Although it is now prohibited or banned in many countries, at one time spanking was a common way of disciplining children. Those of us in the upper age bracket often witnessed or experienced spankings in childhood.
But times have changed. No longer do we see cartoons or comic strips containing spanking, and children of today are given other forms of discipline. Yet from time to time I have seen evidence that little ones still seem to have an interest in that activity. Am I the only one?
In your experience, have you noticed that children still play spanking games, show an interest in it, or speak about it? Why do you think this is the case, given the decrease in spanking as a common ocurrence? Do you think the next generation will comprise a higher, lower, or equal number of spankophiles?
Leave your response as a comment and I will publish a summary of our discussion once everyone has had a chance to weigh in.

Interesting thought. I wonder if we will have more, that's my guess.
Great question and observation. Since no real study has been done, anything we observe is strictly anecdotal......but even that can lead to accurate observation.
My feeling is that the lack of 'real' spanking might actually result in more sexual spankos later on. The absence of conflicting feelings stemming from unpleasant childhood memories could actually enable a healthier view of the activity.
And I've never agreed with psychologists who insisted the fetish had to originate in a childhood experience. I think the interest in experiencing pain during pleasure, toying with control, focusing on behinds, are all perennial elements of sexuality for some people......regardless of some prepubescent indoctrination.
I suspect KD is right, though we've run polls on my blog about whether being spanked as a child increased (or decreased) interest in adult spanking, and it was hard to see any correlation one way or another. But, it was a limited sample size. So who knows.
I would say that kids today have an interest in spanking. Although I think they do not have much of a development phase. They call it up from the internet and it is immediately there for them to see. My first exposure started with the spankings and whippings I got from my parents so the development took a bit longer.
Great question Hermione, hard to know but I suspect kd is right too.
This is basically a variation on the old "Nature or Nurture" debate. Is a love of spankings etc a result of upbringing or a personality trait that is innate? Personally I think in my case it was innate but I wouldn't go so far as to suggest that applies to everyone. I'm old enough to have grown up in a time when spankings, at home, and canings and strappings, in school, were common. My parents didn't use physical punishment but from an early age I knew that I was interested in and later aroused by the thought of punishment. I feel that my interest would have developed even without any outside influences and I suspect the same will apply to people growing up now. I have recently been lucky enough to punish several young ladies who have grown up without any cultural acceptance of spanking as discipline but they still developed a liking for it as a pleasurable activity and what's even more surprising is their understanding of the rituals such as telling off and cornertime etc which are clearly handed down from a time when CP was used as discipline.
I have no idea as to kids, but judging by the number of young people in their 20's that are showing up at spanking parties like Crimson Moon, I'd say the number will definitely increase in the long run.....
I think it's a cycle and while there are places where children are not physically chastised, I think there are as many places where spanking is still the 'go to' deterrent.
As for adults, as long as we humans get that delicious feeling at the mention of the word,see a picture of someone getting spanked, or when the smallest of touches on that particular portion of your body, arouses you, makes me think that it will always be a part of the human experience.
That's a good question Hermione. Really hard to know but from what Dr Ken has observed - more young people in their 20's attending spanking parties, then I think there will be an increase.
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