HER: "Oh Honey! Did you HAVE to wear swim trunks that were the same color as the slide? I had wanted to send this picture to my Mother, but you look like you have a double-erection!"
HIM: " Slide? What slide? .............Say, didn't I ever tell you my mother was the 'Python-Lady' at the boardwalk side-show?"
Red: The man for every woman, who cannot decide which method of sexual activity to have today... vaginal or anal... ! Why not both at the same time?
Carl: The real life example of one of my favorite expressions of all time: "Luckier than a man with two dicks".
Ronnie: Someone's pleased to see her.
Dr. Ken:
She: "Being lifted like this is fun, but why do I have the feeling that he's going to put me down over his knee?"
Sir Wendel:
Guy: I told you not to run wander away from the park. Now you’re getting a spanking.
Girl: Is that slide in you pocket or are you happy to see me?
Sweetspot: Sam gives whole new meanings to the expressions "doing a double-take" and "letting matters slide".
Although many people noticed the slide that looked like an erection coming from Joe's shorts, these same folks failed to see the jogger dangling from Sheila's knee.
Hermione: Why can''t you just pull my shorts down like a normal person? I'm getting seasick and will throw up by the time you've shaken my panties off.

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