abby: A few years ago I was away for a family celebration, Master did not go with me. I was supposed to be away for a week. On the day I was supposed to drive back (about a 7 hour drive), I told him we were going out to breakfast first and would get a late start. Later that day, I sent him a text saying I had stopped at my son's and decided to spend the night. Neither one of those happened and when I got home and he opened the door, with a big grin I said, "April Fool!" And yes, my welcome home spanking was a bit more ...vigorous...than usual.
Sir Wendel: One April 1st I popped in a couple 3lbs weights into the misses’ work bag. She sent me a text around lunch time complaining how tiring it was to walk from the train to her office. By the time she got home she was exhausted. I pulled the weights from her bag and yelled April Fool. She did find the energy to whip my bottom with the belt. In the morning the misses ordered me to bend over for another whipping. She told me to have fun trying to sit at work.
Ronnie: I did a silly one. I started running a bath and then ran down the stairs and said I couldn't turn the hot water tap off and the water was near the top of the bath, P raced upstairs and found hardly any water in the bath and yes it got me spanked.
Hermione: I placed a piece of very realistic plastic dog poop in a spot in the living room where we often found the real thing and waited for Ron to discover it. He was relieved when he realized it was not the scented variety, and rewarded me appropriately.
Have fun this week, and be careful out there!

These are all great, but Sir Wendell's had me roaring!
Me too! He's very creative.
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