"Now where did I leave that bathbrush?"
Welcome back, Wilhelmina!
kdpierre: When Goldilocks first entered the locker room of the Forrestown Bears Women's Softball team, her first thoughts were that B.J.'s butt was too big, and that Mindy's butt was too small.....but that Sally's butt was JUST RIGHT.
Ronnie: If the girls ask why I'm showering with my bloomers on, what do I say, and if I take them off to shower, they'll see my red bottom, how would I explain that.
Hands63: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, but spank them all!
ricky: I'm singin' in the rain, I'm singin' in the rain,
" " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " "
Oh, darn, I've been cut off again!
Oh, well, that's what I get for singing bass, I suppose.
Hermione: "Hmmm, no red bottoms on those girls. Am I in the wrong shower room?"

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