Fish#1: "What a ditz! Avoiding the rain by ducking underwater?"
Fish#2: "And they say WE have tiny brains?!"
Fish#1: "So how long do you think she can hold her breath?"
Fish#2: " I don't know, but if those chest appendages are any indication, she's gonna be down here for a while."
Fish: "Hey! Lady! What the fuck? Do you see ME going to the bathroom in YOUR backyard?"
Leigh: Hope her breath holds out.
Ronnie: He wont find me here but I don't know how long I can hold my breath for.
Hermione: Betsy enjoyed underwater spanking, although sometimes the paddle floated away.

Cooling the bottom after a good spanking.
"You threaten me with a spanking? Well, go ahead! You ever try to spank anyone underwater before?"
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