Roz: What was I thinking when I removed all of his underwear from his drawer.
Red: What was I thinking when I ordered five different canes from our friend Ronnie. One would have been quite effective enough, without providing variety for Cindy to use.
Dr.Ken: What was I thinking when I thought I could finish this sentence?
KDPierre: What was I thinking when I thought Rosa might not like the idea of being a disciplinarian?
Amy: What was I thinking when I challenged Eric with, "You wouldn't dare." OH, he dared!
Ronnie: What was I thinking when I bought this new bath brush.
Hands63: What was I thinking when I appeared on the Jerry Springer Show?
Anon 1: What was I thinking when I told him hand spankings didn't really have much affect on my bottom?
What was I thinking leaving the hairbrush on my coffee table before I invited him in after our first date?
Liza: What was I thinking when I married my ex?
Baxter: What was I thinking when I told her to paddle my bottom hard?
Sir Wendel: What was I thinking when I went to see “50 Shades of Grey” with the Misses.
Northierthanthou: What was I thinking when I decided to add pungi sticks to mar wargames.
(In my defense, I was around 8 years old)
Hermione: What was I thinking when I told Ron I could think of another use for a paint stirrer?
Wow! That was fun. We must do it more often. For more fun and games, stick around and have brunch with me.

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