Wouldn't this photo be perfect for a motivational poster? You know the kind I mean - one large. positive word, followed by an inspirational phrase.
Give us a motivational caption (or any other caption, if you prefer) by leaving a comment, and I will publish your submissions on the office wall this weekend.
It comes in all shades of pink.
A spanking a day keeps mistakes at bay.
Looking backward is only helpful if you learn from (or like) what you see.
You can do better if you want the rewards afterwards roomie.
I wonder what I should do tomorrow to be spanked again.
SPANKING - It does a bottom good.
SITTING - Something a naughty girl shouldn't take for granted.
HOT SEAT - It'll keep you on your toes.
Have It - Or Get It!
(There's My Pants!)
Adults Only!
Thanks for the Blog!
HOT SEAT - What a naughty girl must sit on for the rest of the day.
SMART ASS - What a naughty girl gets for being one.
REAR VIEW - What the rest of the office gets after a naughty girl is spanked.
SEAT OF THE PROBLEM - Don't get behind on your work, or your behind will get a good working over.
SOMETIMES - A spanking is all that's needed.
PINK: It's more than a color for cloths
BOTTOMS - Make time to spank one today!
BAD GIRLS - End up with sore red bottoms.
Now let me think ,have I forgotten anything ? Oh yes his cane ! Lucky I remembered that !! Kent
OOPS - Must Behave Better
Product testing: important , even at a paddle factory!
I goofed off at work all week and this the best the boss could do?
If he's gonna be doing this regularly, it may be time to invest in a full-length mirror.
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