Hermione is the type of woman who ...
KDPierre: Hermione is the type of woman who would begin a sentence with: "Hermione is the type of woman who..." and be trusting enough to let her readers finish it...like I did just now.
Amy: Hermione is the type of woman who brings bloggers together with fun games and silly scenarios every single week... and we thank you!
Anon 1: Hermione is the type of woman who I wish I had in my life.
Ronnie: Hermione is the type of women who is a vital part of this community, lovely, fun, kind, helpful, trustworthy and I'm happy to call her my friend.
abby: Hermione is the the type of woman who we can take lessons from on how to get a spanking!
Hands63: Hermione is the type of woman I'd love someday to meet.
Katie: Hermione is the type of woman who uses kindness, hard work, diligence, creativity, and selflessness to help make Blogland the special place that it is for all of us.
I don't know how she does it all! Perhaps she needs to be awarded Hermione Granger's "Time-Turner". Then she would have a bit more time for some spanky business with Ron. Thank you for all that you do here, Hermione!
Katie, you guessed my secret!
Sam: Hermione is the type of woman who would laugh as she watched
my wife take a belt to my bare ass!
Leigh: Hermione is the type of woman who comes through in a pinch.
Jack: Hermione is the the type of woman who asks silly questions on her blog, and make it seem like it is fun to participate and in trying to answer them. (OK, I guess she is right - it is fun!). Thanks for the blog!
Roz: Hermione is the kind of woman who is an integral part of this community and brings bloggers together with her wonderful weekly posts. A kind and supportive friend we are lucky to have.
Enzo: Hermione is the type of woman who you start off having a pleasant afternoon drink with and by the end of the night laughing so hard beer/wine would be pouring out your nostrils.
Baxter: Hermione is the type of woman who really puts a lot of thought into her blog and makes every day enjoyable. Of course though we never hear a peep about her spankings. HINT HINT. Just kidding.
Baxter, I got the hint. Stay tuned.
Sir Wendel: Hermione is the type of woman who can always make me smile.
Hermione: Hermione is the type of woman who, if you knew her in real life, you would never guess has a blog about spanking.
Wow! I am blushing after reading all the kind things you have said about me. I really didn't expect that. You, dear readers, are the reason I keep this blog ticking over day after day. Thank you all so much for being a part of my life.

Thank YOU, Hermione!! :) HA! You already have a Time-Turner. Please send me one too! LOL! Enjoy your weekend! Many hugs,
Hermione is the type of woman that is hard to type because she is such a wonderful mix of all things--and spankable, too!
Hermione is all these things and more! :-) Lucky to have you here! Hugs
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