What has been your experience with fly swatters?
Simon: My Mistress did use a fly swatter on me once, unfortunately it snapped on the 2nd stroke so she switched to one of her more reliable implements. Some everyday implements look as though they would be good for spanking but in reality turn out to be disappointingly fragile. My bottom isn't that hard but we've had similar problems with shoehorns and rulers.
Amy: Can't say we've tried a fly swatter, though it seems like something worth exploring. I love the "vanilla" implements that easily make a debut without suspicion during everyday life. Big fan of any and all kitchen utensils, also enjoy (?) a small hardback book, a hanger, slipper, ping pong paddle... gosh, there are so many things! That'd be a good brunch question one week. "What non-spanking implements have you been spanked with?" Happy Labor Day weekend!
Thanks for the suggestion, Amy, and happy Labour Day to you too!
Roz: Hi Hermione, Happy Labour weekend!
We haven't tried a fly swatter, but I too love 'dual purpose' implements. Some of them can be a case of careful what you wish for though, especially some kitchen implements!
Sir Wendel: I was going to say “no, haven’t tried it” but then decided to buy one and give it a go. When I arrived home with the fly swatter I announce to the misses that she was getting an afternoon spanking. It was ok. It wasn’t sturdy enough to do a good job so I switched to the hand.
Wilma: I agree with Sir Wendal. I have been whacked by a fly swatter, and while the first one is startling and has a sting- the rest that followed were more humourous than effective. Humourous most likely because of the sound. I will admit though, that the front of the thighs and inner thighs found it a bit less funny. Mind you I find that to be the case with any implement used there. LOL
A.J.: Never have, but I'm only a hand spanker, at least until my hand starts to hurt.
NOTE: I wouldn't use one unless it was purposely bought for using on her tush and that only! If it's that other one in the pantry - too great a sanitary risk! Just sayin'....
Ronnie: We have two fly swatters (one shaped like a hand) P has used both but neither of them he found sturdy enough to do a good job. Once he used the hand shaped swatter after he had spanked me quite hard and it did get my attention.
Hermione: Three years ago I wrote a post about fly swatters, and included a picture of the "Sweet Swat" swatter with a telescoping handle. It somehow ended up in a drawer where it remained, forgotten, until last weekend when I was reorganizing. I displayed it on our rack of paddles (big mistake!) and naturally Ron spotted the new addition and had to try it out.
The little swatter packed one heck of a sting, it was like nothing I had ever felt. Ron couldn't understand my reaction. I had bought it, so why was I complaining? Needless to say, it's going back into hiding in the bottom drawer :)
Thank you all for sharing. Have a happy week!

Never been spanked with a flyswatter. In the drawer is a large wooden spoon she uses, that gets my attention quickly. Over her lap and stretched bare bottom and in no time she has my attention. Jack
Never used one. Wouldn't think it would be all that effective would you?
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