Roz: Gosh, wow, such interesting questions. We spank (or used to) for discipline, role affirmation and erotic play. This includes role play sometimes, light bondage and blindfolds.
We have spanked in the car and outside in secluded areas.
Sir Wendel: Our favorite spanking thing would be wearing costumes. Nothing better than spanking a princess or whipping a pirate’s booty. Since we hike often we tend to spank out in the woods a lot.
We do not spank as discipline. We just enjoy it even though the bottom is rather sore afterwards.
Bogey: Spanking has made for a lot of fun and intimacy for us over the years.
Hermione: - Mature woman with 30+ years experience as a spankee
- Enjoys both wood and leather, will consider other materials
- Has a very spankable bottom
- Has experience with a wide variety of positions
- Commands a wide vocal range
- Always ready, willing and able.
That was fun! Let's get together again next week.

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